Know the Best Books for WBCS Preliminary Exam. Learn how to crack the WBCS exam without any coaching. Get a complete list of best books, which are really helpful for WBCS Preparation. Know how to crack the WBCS Preliminary Exam without any Coaching. Some useful books for Civil Service examination. A complete study guide for West Bengal Civil Service Examination. Learn how to prepare and easily qualify for WBCS Preliminary exam.

For recruitment on various Administrative Services, West Bengal Government organized West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) Examination every year. It’s maybe treated one of the toughest examinations in Bengal. After completing the graduate degree any students can apply for this WBCS exam. Know some best books for WBCS Preliminary examination and crack the exam.
The complete process of WBCS exam is divided into three parts, 1. WBCS Preliminary. 2. WBCS Main. & 3. Interview.
From this year the Syllabus and Question Pattern of WBCS examination changed completely, Click here to know the WBCS exam new Question Pattern and New Syllabus. Here I listed some best books, which may help you in the preparation of WBCS Preliminary examination.
List of Best Books for WBCS Preliminary Examination
On the WBCS Preliminary exam, there are total eight subjects and each subject carries 25 marks. So, the total marks for the WBCS Preliminary examination is 200. The eight subjects are
- English Composition
- General Science
- Current Events
- Indian History
- Indian Geography with WB References
- Indian Economy and Polity
- Indian National Fights
- Mental ability Tests
Bellow, the complete list of best Books for WBCS Preliminary exam is mentioned. Follow these books to crack the job exam and become a Gazzated officer.
Read More, Download WBCS Previous 10 Years Prelims Question Papers
1. English Composition
• Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi: This book is published by Arihant Publishers. It is best for any competitive examination like IAS, WBCS, IBPS, NDA etc. (BUY NOW)
• English Grammar books by P.K. De Sarkar. These books are good to learn the basic knowledge of English grammar. (BUY NOW)
• Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis: This book is published by Pocket Books Publishers. It helps students with many entrance examination. (BUY NOW)
2. General Science
• Magbook General Science by Poonam Sing: It is one of the best books for General Science by Arihant publishers. (BUY NOW)
• Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitions by Siddharth Mukherji: This book is from Arihant publishers. This book contains more than 2000 MCQ. The book has been prepared after analysis the recent pattern of competitive exams like SSC, UPSC & State Level PCS, etc. (BUY NOW)
3. Current Events
• General Knowledge by Manohar Panday: This book is published by Arihant Publishers. With the recent edition of this book, you can get all the details of current affairs. (BUY NOW)
• Current events, you can follow the newspaper every day. You can also buy weekly magazine like Kharmokhetra, Jibika Dishari, KarmoSagasthan etc. This manages contains many current events all over the world.
Read More, Know the Complete syllabus of WBCS Preliminary Examination
4. Indian History
• Swadesh Sabhyata & Biswa by Jiban Mukhopadhyay: This is a Bengali history book. You can follow this as a reference for the preparation of the WBCS Preliminary exam. You can also use the history book by Tulshi Prakashani which is also a good book. (BUY NOW)
• Ancient and Medieval India by Poonam Dalal Dahiya: This book is published by McGraw Hill Education. Every portion of this book is mentioned clearly and easily. It is one of the best history books for Competitive examination. (BUY NOW)
• Modern Indian History by Sonali Bansal & Snehil Tripathi: This book is one of the best books for Modern Indian History. Easy to understand and very helpful for WBCS and other civil service examination. (BUY NOW)
• You must follow the NCERT History textbooks from class 6th to 12th standard.
Read More, Apply Online for EWS Certificate in West Bengal
5. Indian Geography
• Geography of India by Majid Husain: This book is published by McGraw Hill Education publishers. It is one of the best books for the preparation of WBCS Preliminary exam. (BUY NOW)
• You can also follow the Geography Textbook by Kartick Chandra Mondal for the West Bengal Geography part. This book is in the Bengali version. (BUY NOW)
• Read carefully the NCERT textbooks of standard 6th to standard 12th. Maximum questions of WBCS exam will come from these books.
6. Indian Economy and Polity
• Indian Economy For Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations by Nitin Singhania: Mc Graw Hill Education publishers published this book. It is one of the best preparation books for the WBCS Preliminary examination. (BUY NOW)
• Indian Polity by M. Laxikanth: If you want to know about Indian politics, then it is the best book you may buy. This is one of the best books for the Civil Service examination. (BUY NOW)
• ভারতের অর্থনীতি – তুজাম্মেল হোসেন: For WBCS preparation it is a good book for knowledge about the Indian Economy and its nature. This book is in the Bengali version. (BUY NOW)
7. Indian National Fights
• India’s Struggle for Independence: 1857-1947 by Bipan Chandra: For various competitive examinations like WBCS, IBPS, IAS, etc., this book may help you know about Indian history. (BUY NOW)
8. Mental Ability Test (MAT)
• Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning by R.S Agarwal: This book is published by Arihant Publishers. From this book, you can learn all types of mental ability tests. There is many practice sets are available in this book. (BUY NOW)
• Magical Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra: This book is also a good option for WBCS preparation. (BUY NOW)
Lastly, You can follow WBCS Manual by Nitin Singhania from Mac Graw Hill publishers or Crack WBCS by Lila Roy. These books will help you a lot for your WBCS Prelims preparation.
Read More, WBCS Syllabus Download for Prelims and Main Exam.
These are some best books for WBCS Preliminary Examination conducted by West Bengal Public Service Commission.
FAQ about WBCS Best Books
Here are some common questions asked frequently about WBCS exam best books.
Can I crack the WBCS exam without coaching?
Yes, you can do it. There are many WBCS officers, who cracked their WBCS exam without any coaching.
Can Netaji Subhas Open University student get the WBCS job?
Yes, they can get this job. After completing your Graduation from any Open University, you can apply for WBCS Exam.
Which is the Best Medium for WBCS – English or Bengali?
You can select as per your choice. The Preliminary question paper will be both in Bengali as well as the English version.
How can I get these best books for WBCS?
You can order online from Amazon or buy from your local market.
How to select WBCS Option Subject?
You have to select the optional subject as per your knowledge, depth and priority. Choose the subject, which you love most and you can enjoy it while reading.
You may also follow these magazines Pratiyogita Darpan, Safallo, WBCS Challenger by Chaya Prakashani, which are best for various type questions and current affairs. If you have any query or questions please free to ask us. We are always happy to help you.
Sir aap each subject mein 1se jada book suggest kar rahe hain….kiya sab kharid na hain ??
Hello Shirin, here I suggested the best books for each subject. Just buy/follow one book first and start your preparation for WBCS. No need to buy all the books the first time.