Get all the updated information about West Bengal Primary TET 2014 panel list of selected candidates. The first and second empanelled list already published on the Board’s website. Know the exact date of publishing the next panel list for Non-trained candidates of Bengali medium. Know more about the reporting process and counseling steps. Information about the next panel list date.

The most awaited Primary TET 2014 panel list is published now. On 31st January evening, the first Panel list was published and the selected candidates were informed by SMS and email. This first-panel list only for the candidates, who have the D.Ed training certificate. From the next day counseling started and the joining also. According to the chairman of WBBPE board, the complete Panel list of Primary recruitment will be published step by step.
Click Here to Download WB Primary TET 2014 4th Panel List for 16,500 Candidates
At first, the results were not available on the website, the information only sends to the selected candidates. Total candidates selected on the first list are 11,700 trained candidates. Click here to know online application process and eligibility Criteria for Primary TET 2017 Exam.
On 4th February 2017 evening, WBBPE Board published the Second Panel list for the Primary teacher recruitment. This panel list for the Non-trained candidates of mediums (Hindi, Nepali, Urdu, Santali etc) other than Bengali. Now selected candidates can check is he/she empanelled or not empanelled on the official website, On the second panel list, nearly 5300 candidates were selected for Primary Teacher recruitment.
As the total vacancies were nearly 42,000 the remaining vacancies will be selected by publishing another two Panel list. The 3rd and 4th Panel list will contain the name of Non-trained candidates who will be selected for counseling of Primary Teachers.
Read all the Questions and Answers about, Primary TET 2014 Fourth Merit List & TET Pass Certificate.
It is expected that the third-panel list will be published on 8th February. on the website. The counseling will be started from the next day. Nearly 10,000 candidates recruit by this 3rd Panel List.
The fourth Panel list will be published shortly. Selected candidates are invited to counseling and the next day they can join at the school.
The information is not for any official source so the dates may vary. You are requested to keep touch with on Facebook for the latest information about Primary TET recruitment. Post your question in the comment box, we will try to help you at our best.
Sir, I didn’t check my TET 2014 Result which was published in 2016. Due to some medical issues. Is there any way to check it now.
Hello Asma, sorry you cannot check your result now. Because the result link deactivated.
is this govt website ?Na eta official website noi. Eta fake website. West Bengal Board of Primary Education (WBBPE) er official website holo,
Is there any chance to announced a 4 th list of Birbhum dist?
Hello Sagar, there is no chance of 4th Merit list on West Bengal Primary TET exam.
Hello sir, do you have any information about PTET quallifing cirtificate?
Sir i have heard that some candidates will be recruited through the letter recently in february and wb gov. Passed the ordered sheet to every dist on 31st jan 2018.have u any information about it?
Hello Pranabesh, we don’t have any official information about this. If there will be any updates available in future, we will inform you.
sir plz tell me , there any chance for 4th list in malda district
Hello Biswajit, till now there is no chance to publish any merit list for Primary TET 2014. But it’s now the official info.
Sir please informed me what happened in the high court about tet 2014 on tuesday 19th december
Is there any chance for anymore panel?
Probably no more merit list will be published for Primary TET 2014.
Can u tell me how many students applied for rti?and how many students qualified for primary job?
Is there any chance for non trained candidate to get a job in primary?
Sir,i have heard that 4th list already published and howrah, hoogly,burdawan dist candidate are recruited.have u any information about it?and plz tell me when purbamedinipur will be listed out?
Hello Pranabesh, a list of some candidates published for Primary TET 2014 recruitment. It’s not fourth merit list. Some candidates applied RTI for their Primary TET 2014 answers sheet and due to this, some marks increases after this RTI/Review. So,
they come into the merit list after increasing their TET marks and listed for recruitment.
Hello Sagir, the date of D.El.Ed Online registration through NIOS has been extended upto 30th September.
We don't have any official info about the 4th Merit List for Primary TET 2014 Exam.
Hello Sajjad, after long time again I want to know that you are telling that 4th list will not be published.. so without publishing any list the remaining appointment is taking place gradually?? Also please inform that DL Ed training last date is 15/09/17. do you know that it will be extended again? Too urgent to know, kindly inform.
Hello Rabin, you can check our new article about WB TET 4th Merit List all questions and answers.
plz tell me sir 4th list kobe ber hobe plzz tell me soon
There is no any update available for Primary TET 2014 4th Merit List. We think no list will publish.
4th list a ki untrand der chance ache r blben sir
There will no official information about the West Bengal Primary TET 2014. So, please don't believe any fake news available on many social media sites.
Kobe 4th list out hote pare sir…….
no idea
4th list will be out.
Hello Sagir, I never said that that the complete vacancies of 42K+ was filled up.
According to the Education Minister, the Primary TET 2017 notification will be published on May, 2017. So, I think there will be no more any new recruitment through TET 2014.
Hello Sajjad, it means you want to say that all 42K+ is recruited and completed. Where there is no official notification then based on what documents you are giving this crucial statement? need your actual feed back if you know.
Hello Sagir, the Primary TET 2014 appointment was closed now. But there was no any official notification. Very soon the advertisement for Primary TET 2017 will be published.
Can you confirm that primary recruitment for TET 2014 is closed.?? Pls inform the current status.
The 4th Panel List of Primary TET 2014 already published. It's only for the Trained and Primary Para-Teacher candidates (who were not selected before). There is no any chance for the Non-trained candidates.
Plzzz. Tell me when the 4panal will be published
We don't have any official information about the fourth list for Primary TET.
Sir please tell me that is their any possibility to publish forth list. If so then when it will publish? And there are any possibility the not empanelled candidate can be empanelled.
If any other panel list will publish, then not empanelled candidates will get the chance for that list. It's not a official information.
Sir, is there any possibility for not empanelled candidates to become empanelled in new list… Plz do reply..
Hello Gouranga, according to various new sources, another one or more panel list will be published. But this is not the official information.
sir..untrained candiate der bengali medium er ki r next list berobe??
There is no any possibility of publishing panel list for other than bengali medium.
Sir other than bengali medium kono list berobe?
There is no any official notification. But nearly 10,000 candidates are selected by this panel list.
how many candidates have been selected in this third panel ?
We have no any clear cut information about this. When we got the information we upload it on our Facebook page.
Empanelled means, the candidate selected for the teaching post. He/she is qualified for the job. And the Not empanelled means, he/she not selected for the job.
empanelled and not empanelled means?
is empanelled candidate will get sms?
How many vacancy there have in 3rd panel of wb primary tet
Hello Smriti, the WBBPE Board does not say clearly about it, but we expect one more list will be published for the remaining vacancies.
eta ki final list na 4th list out hobe?
শ্রী মানিক ভট্টাচার্য্য
পর্ষদ সভাপতি
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা পর্ষদ
পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
দয়া করে বলবেন? 2 Year D.Ed. In Special Education আছে এমন candidate-দেরকে empanelled না করার পেছনে কী কারণ??? কোন কারনে তাঁরা অযোগ্য বিবেচিত???
Candidates, who don't have any training but have a better percentage in MP and HS and also complete their interview smartly have a greater chance to empanelled.
Is there any chance for not empanelled candidate