পশ্চিমবঙ্গে নারী শিক্ষার হার বৃদ্ধি করতে এবং ছাত্রীদের বাল্যবিবাহ রুখে তাদেরকে শিক্ষার আঙিনায় আনার জন্য, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার কন্যাশ্রী প্রকল্প শুরু করে। এই কন্যাশ্রী প্রকল্পের আওতায় ছাত্রীরা তাদের বিদ্যালয়ের স্তর থেকে ইউনিভার্সিটি স্তর পর্যন্ত পড়াশোনার জন্য সরকারি আর্থিক অনুদান পাবে।
যে সমস্ত ছাত্রীর বয়স 13 থেকে 18 বছর তারা কন্যাশ্রী K1 এর জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবে এবং প্রতিবছর 750 টাকা করে পাবে। যে সমস্ত ছাত্রীর বয়স 18 থেকে 19 বছর এবং কলেজে পড়াশোনা করছে তারা কন্যাশ্রী K2 আবেদন করতে পারবে এবং এককালীন 25,000 টাকা সরকারি অনুদান পাবে।
এছাড়াও, যে সমস্ত ছাত্রীরা কোন কলেজে অথবা ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে পোস্ট গ্র্যাজুয়েশন (PG) কোর্স করছে তারাও কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কিমের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারে। কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কিমের আওতায় বিজ্ঞান বিভাগে ছাত্রীরা প্রতি মাসে 2500 টাকা এবং কলা ও বানিজ্য বিভাগের ছাত্রীরা প্রতি মাসে 2000 টাকা করে স্কলারশিপ পাবে।
ইউনিভার্সিটির ছাত্রীদের জন্য কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য এবং আবেদন পদ্ধতি নিচে বিস্তারিতভাবে আলোচনা করা হলো।
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় যোগ্যতা
১. আবেদনকারীকে অবশ্যই একজন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের স্থায়ী বাসিন্দা হতে হবে।
২. কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের আবেদনের জন্য আবেদনকারীকে অবশ্যই কোন কলেজ অথবা ইউনিভার্সিটিতে পোস্ট গ্রাজুয়েশন (MA/M.Sc/M.Com) কোর্সে ভর্তি হতে হবে।
৩. যে সমস্ত ছাত্রীরা কোন ওপেন ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে PG কোর্স করছে তারাও এই স্কলারশিপের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবে না।
৪. কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের আবেদনের জন্য প্রার্থীর অবশ্যই কন্যাশ্রী K2 আইডি থাকতে হবে। K2 আইডি না থাকলে কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের জন্য আবেদন করা যাবে না।
৫. আবেদনকারীর অবশ্যই গ্রাজুয়েশনে 45% নাম্বার থাকতে হবে, তবেই সে কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের জন্য অনলাইনে আবেদন করতে পারবে।
৬. বিবাহিত এবং অবিবাহিত ছাত্রীরা এই স্কলারশিপের জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবে।
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের সুবিধা
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের আওতায় যে সমস্ত ছাত্রীরা পোস্ট গ্রাজুয়েশন (M.Sc/M.A/M.Com) কোর্স করছে, তাদের প্রতি মাসে 2500 টাকা (বিজ্ঞান বিভাগের ছাত্রীদের জন্য) এবং 2000 টাকা (কলা ও বাণিজ্য বিভাগের ছাত্রীদের জন্য) স্কলারশিপ দেওয়া হবে। স্কলারশিপের টাকা আবেদনকারীর ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্টে পাঠানো হবে।
স্কলারশিপ, স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ মেরিট-কাম মিনস (SVMCM) স্কলারশিপের অনলাইন আবেদন পদ্ধতি।
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের অনলাইন আবেদন পদ্ধতি
কন্যাশ্রী K3 প্রকল্পের অনলাইন আবেদন পদ্ধতি ইউনিভার্সিটি ছাত্রীদের জন্য।
প্রথম ধাপ : সবার প্রথমে আবেদনকারীকে কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের অনলাইন ওয়েব সাইটে যেতে হবে, www.svmcm.wbhed.gov.in এবং এই ওয়েবসাইটে আসার পর ‘Register Here’ অপশনে ক্লিক করতে হবে।

দ্বিতীয় ধাপ : এই লিংকে ক্লিক করার পর, স্কলারশিপ সংক্রান্ত কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তথ্য পরের পেজে খুলে যাবে। ভালো করে ওই তথ্যগুলি পড়ে, Tick Box-এ টিক দিয়ে ‘Proceed for Registration‘ বটনে ক্লিক করতে হবে।
তৃতীয় ধাপ : এরপর রেজিস্ট্রেশন ক্যাটেগরি থেকে Directorate of Public Instruction (PBI) -এর নীচে Apply for Kanyashree Prakalpa (K3) অপশনে ক্লিক করতে হবে।

চতুর্থ ধাপ : ওই লিঙ্কে ক্লিক করার পর, একটি ভেরিফিকেশন ফর্ম আসবে, সেই ফর্মটিতে নিজের Kanyashree ID, নাম, জন্ম তারিখ, বাবা-মায়ের নাম দিয়ে তথ্য ভেরিফিকেশন করতে হবে। কন্যাশ্রী K1 ও K2 আবেদনের সময় যে তথ্য দিয়েছিলে সেই তথ্য এখানে দিতে হবে।

পঞ্চম ধাপ : কন্যাশ্রী আইডি সফলভাবে ভেরিফিকেশন হয়ে গেলে, আবেদনকারীকে স্কলারশিপের রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফর্ম ফিলাপ করতে হবে। এই ফার্মে আবেদনকারীর নিজস্ব ফোন নাম্বার, ইমেইল আইডি, বর্তমান কোর্সের নাম এবং ইউনিভার্সিটি, শেষ পরীক্ষায় প্রাপ্ত নম্বর দিতে হবে। এই রেজিস্ট্রেশনের সময় আবেদনকারীকে একটি পাসওয়ার্ড তৈরি করতে হবে, যা দিয়ে সে পরবর্তীকালে এই ওয়েবসাইট লগইন করতে পারবে।

পঞ্চম ধাপ : সফলভাবে রেজিস্ট্রেশনের পর, আবেদনকারী একটি ‘Application ID’ পাবে। যার সাহায্যে সে অনলাইন লগইন করতে পারবে। এই Application ID টি লিখে রাখতে হবে, পরবর্তী ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহারের জন্য।

ষষ্ঠ ধাপ : এরপর আবেদনকারীকে Application ID এবং Password দিয়ে লগইন করতে হবে এবং Dashboard-এ ‘Edit Profile/Application‘ অপশনে ক্লিক করতে হবে আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া সম্পুর্ণ করার জন্য।

সপ্তম ধাপ : এখন অনলাইন আবেদন ফর্মটি সঠিকভাবে সমস্ত তথ্য দিয়ে পূরণ করতে হবে এবং আবেদনকারীর স্ক্যান করা ছবি ও সই ওয়েবসাইটে আপলোড করতে হবে। এরপর ‘Save & Next‘ বটনে ক্লিক করে পরবর্তী অংশে যেতে হবে।

অষ্টম ধাপ : সমস্ত তথ্য সঠিকভাবে পূরণ করার পর আবেদনকারী যদি চাই, তার ব্যাংকের তথ্য পরিবর্তন করতে পারে অথবা আগের ব্যাংক অ্যাকাউন্ট অপরিবর্তিত রাখতে পারে।

অষ্টম ধাপ : এই ধাপে আবেদনকারীকে বেশ কিছু ডকুমেন্ট স্ক্যান করে আপলোড করতে হবে। এই ডকুমেন্ট গুলি হলো –
- শেষ পরীক্ষার মার্কশিট এর উভয় দিক
- মাধ্যমিকের অ্যাডমিট কার্ড
- শেষ পরীক্ষার অ্যাডমিট কার্
- আধার/রেশন/ভোটার কার্ড
- ব্যাংকের পাশ বই-এর প্রথম পাতা।
এই সমস্ত ডকুমেন্ট PDF ফরম্যাটে আপলোড করে ‘Submit Application‘ অপশনে ক্লিক করতে হবে। কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের আবেদন এর জন্য ইনকাম সার্টিফিকেট অথবা ইনকাম এফিডেভিট প্রয়োজন নেই।

নবম ধাপ : এখন আবেদনকারীর দেওয়া সমস্ত তথ্য অনলাইনে সেভ হয়ে গেছে। এই সমস্ত তথ্য আর একবার ভালো করে দেখে নিয়ে ‘Finalize Application‘ অপশনে ক্লিক করতে হবে। এই অপশনে ক্লিক করার পর আবেদনকারী আর কোন তথ্য edit করতে পারবে না।

এই স্কলারশিপের সম্পূর্ণ আবেদন পদ্ধতি অনলাইনে। তাই অনলাইনে আবেদন করার পর কোন ডকুমেন্ট কোথাও জমা দিতে হবে না। পশ্চিমবঙ্গ KanayshKan K3 স্কলারশিপের অনলাইন আবেদন পদ্ধতি শেষ। এখন আবেদনকারী ড্যাশবোর্ডে নিজের আবেদনের স্ট্যাটাস দেখতে পারবে।
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ তারিখ এবং তথ্য
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপ 2024 সালের অনলাইনে আবেদন শুরু হবে August 2024 থেকে এবং অনলাইন আবেদনের শেষ হবে October 2024। এই স্কলারশিপের সম্পূর্ণ আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া অনলাইনে। অনলাইনে কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের আবেদন পর, আবেদনকারী নিজের স্কলারশিপের স্ট্যাটাস svmcm.wbhed.gov.in ওয়েবসাইটে লগইন করে দেখতে পারবে।
স্কলারশিপ, পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য আরও স্কলারশিপ সম্পর্কে জানতে এখানে ক্লিক করো।
স্কলারশিপ সংক্রান্ত হেল্পলাইন
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপের অনলাইন আবেদনের সময় অথবা আবেদনের পর কোন রকম সমস্যা হলে অথবা কোন প্রশ্ন থাকলে, আবেদনকারী helpdesk.svmcm-wb@gov.in ইমেলে যোগাযোগ করতে পারে অথবা 18001028014 ফোন নাম্বারে ফোন করে সাহায্য নিতে পারবে।
কন্যাশ্রী K3 স্কলারশিপ সংক্রান্ত অন্য কোন জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ প্রশ্ন থাকলে তোমরা নিচের কমেন্ট বক্সে জিজ্ঞাসা করতে পারো। আমার সাহায্য করার যথারীতি চেষ্টা করব। এই লেখাটি যদি তোমাদের ভালো লেগে থাকে তাহলে অবশ্যই শেয়ার করো।
I am Riddhi Mukhopadhyay, have passed BSc from bardhaman University in 2023 , now am studying MSc,from Rk University, rajkoat, Gujrat,
Can I apply K3,
I have got k1 and k2 in school.
Hello Riddhi, generally students, who are pursuing their PG course from any university in West Bengal or any IIT, NIT etc, can apply for Kanayshree K3 scholarship scheme.
Sir, Ami MA regular Course 1st year er student. Ami K1 & K2 peyechi.
Amar all documents & Certificate e father’s name Kamal Maity royeche, only Madhyamik Admit card & Marksheet e father’s name Kamal Kanta Maity ache. Ami ki K3 Scholarship pabo na? Please amake solution din….
Hello Arpita, yes you can apply for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship scheme.
Hello sir I have a question is the k3 form renewable.. I mean ami jodi k3 form akbar apply kore 24k peye jai tarpor 2nd year e uthe pg er jodi abar renewal kori taholr ki abr pbo 24k nki ata akbar e?? Kindly janaben.. R renewal korar percentage tao koto hbe janaben.
SIR ami 6th sem a suplle peyechi age kono supple nei, review te diyechi ami supple clear kore 2024 a m.com a vorti hole overall 45% er besi hoyei jabe tahole ki ami 2024 a k3 renewal korale schollarship pabo please please bolben sir.
Hello Arpita, after taking admission to the PG course, you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir ami 2022 e graduation pass korechhi kintu tokhon University te naam aseni tai vorti hote parini ebar University te admission nibo to ami reason er jonno ki ki document upload korbo
Ami pg 1yr 2en sem er student amr K3 apply kora hoi6e kintu frm clg e joma deuya hoini last date Kobe plz bolben??
Hello Ritwika, contact to your college regarding Kanyashree K3 scholarship Institution level verification.
K3 ফর্ম জমা দেওয়ার,কত দিন পর থেকে টাকা পাবো ? স্যার একটু বলবেন। আর এটা কি মাসে মাসে দেয় নাকি এককালীন ?
Hello Sandhyomita, generally it will take 3-5 months to get the scholarship amount. It may take longer in case of verification delay.
Hii sir,
Ami priyanka patra , ami M.A part 2 porchi
Graduation 2022 ae complete korechi, ami ki k3 form fill up korte parbo.
Sir aktu bolben please.
Ami Riya Malik, 2022 a Graduation complete kore MA 1st semester regular a vorti hoye6i, ami ki K3 o Oasis scholarship apply korle 2to scholarship er taka pabo nki 1ta scholarship er taka pabo? J kono 1ta pele konta pabo plz bolben.
Kanyashree K3 scholarship is only for Post Graduate students, you cannot apply for this scholarship, as you are pursuing Diploma Course. Although you can apply for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship.
Sir ami 2020 te passout hoi.. ami ei yr e jodi k3 apply korte chai parbo?
Can I get kanyashree k3 in b.ed course?
Hello Aditi, Kanyashree k3 scholarship only for the PG course girls students. B.Ed is not a PG course, so you cannot apply for Knayshree K3 Schlarship. But you can apply for the SVMCM Scholarship for your B.Ed course.
Sir Maine apply Kiya tha March 22 mey k3 Aliah University se M.A KR rhi Hoon per abhi tak mujhe scholarship mili nhi
Sir I got k2 …I am applying pg in Tamil Nadu .
So am I still eligible for aikhashree and k3?
Hello Nahida, as per the eligibility guidelines of Kanyashree K3 Scholarship, student must have to pursue her PG Course from West Bengal only to apply for this scholarship.
Sir maine pichle year graduation complete Kiya h but kisi reason k wajah se mera admission ni hua MA me
To kiya is year Mai admission krvane k baad k3 ka form fill up kr shkti hun
Hello Samina, yes you can apply for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship this year.
is income certificate necessary for the verification of fresh K3 applicant?? please reply asap
Hello Ankita, income certificate is not required to apply for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship scheme.
Income certificate councillor er thekey niley ki seta applicable?
Sir.. Ami 2020 te b.sc passout…2021 te MSc admission hoyechhi..K3 application korte giye ager year a keno application korini setar reason cheyechhe… reason diyechhilm j ami current year a admission hoyechhi… reason for apply er supporting documents chachhe…ki documents upload korte hobe??
Sir ami recently apply korechi k3 jonno kintu form fill up korar korar somoi amar present Institution r board ta vul hoye geche….. Tai amar id ta onno College er portal e chole geche…amake College theke bola hoyeche toll free number e call kore amar account ta unlock korte jate ami reapply korte pari kintu toll free number busy dekhache… R ajkei last date… Sir
Hello Puja, the last date to apply for the is in February 2022 or later. Try to call to the helpdesk in working hours (10 am to 4 pm). If you will get line busy then cut the call and try again.
k3 korte giye I’d khulche na 2019 a K2 payachi college theke akhon M.A korchi Kintu reason ta ki bughte parchi na sir
Hello Riya, enter your K2 id, name, date of birth & parents name correctly. This information will authenticate your K2 id number after that you can apply for the K3 Scholarship.
Sir ami recently graduation complete kore6i but ai year a MA te admission nite parini next year Admission nile ki k3 jonno apply korte parbo please janaben?
Hello Arpita, after taking admission into the MA course next year you can apply for the Kanyashree K3 scholarship.
Sir Ami Sreashi Banik …. Amar K3 form apply korar somoy domicile in West Bengal ta vul kore no kore diyeche ota kivabe thik korte parbo sir ??
Hello Sreashi, contact your University and request them to unlock your scholarship application form. After that, you can log in to the website and edit the data.
আমি k3 ও sc দুটিই করতে পারি?
Sir, Ami Riya Ghosh. Ami K3 apply korechi recently. K3 apply korar somoy adhar card upload korechilam. adhar card a amar Date of Birth (DOB) vul ache. tahole ki ami Scholarship ta pabo ?
Hello Riya, for DOB proof documents which you upload – Madhyamik Admit Card or Aadhar Card? If you upload Madhyamik Admit Card then no issue.
আমি আমার k2 র আইডি হারিয়ে ফেলেছি। আমি কি k3 র জন্য আবেদন করতে পারবো ?
তুমি তোমার স্কুল / কলেজ -এ যোগাযোগ করো, যেখান থেকে তুমি K2 স্কলারশিপ-এর জন্য আবেদন করেছিলে। সেইখান থেকে তুমি K2 id নম্বর পেয়ে যাবে।
I am Sabitri Prajapati and I am studying in 1st sem of MA .Sir I have filled K3 but in place of admission receipt, I had upload fees reciept so what shall I do .
Hello SABITRI, there may not be any issue for this. Although you can unlock your application by contacting your institution.
Sir ; Amar Aadhar Card e name er Spelling mistake ache . Ami ki Voter Card die K3 r form fillup korte pari ?
Hello Maumita, yes you can apply for the Kanyashree K3 scholarship with your Voter ID card.
বলছি আমি 2020তে admission নিয়েছি কিন্তু কোনো কারণ বশত আমি 2020সাল apply করতে পারিনি 2021সাল আমি apply করেছি কিন্তু আমার টা returne এসেছে। বলছে document upload করতে ।আমি কি করবো এখন ।
হ্যালো রিয়া, তুমি গতবছর যেই নির্দিষ্ট কারণের জন্য কন্যাশ্রী K3 Scholarship আবেদন করোনি, সেই নির্দিষ্ট কারণটি তোমাকে অনলাইন আবেদনের সময় উল্লেখ করতে হবে। সেই নির্দিষ্ট কারণের যদি কোনো প্রমান পত্র থাকে (যেমন শারীরিক সমস্যাজনিত কারণে, গতবছর যদি আবেদন না করে থাকো তাহলে ডাক্তার এর পেসক্রিপশন ওর রিপোর্ট) আপলোড করতে হবে।
Sir, amar k3 scholarship er bank account details change kora jachhe na karon ota block kora ache please ota thik kore din nahole ami scholarship korte parchi na. Abar ami ki korbo?
Hello Jayeeta, at the time of K3 Scholarship registration, you can change your bank account details. if you faced any issue, regarding this, then contact once to the SVMCM Scholarship helpdesk.
Sir, whether you applied any scholarships er jaigai ami yes kore oasis apply korechi ata diyechi…but ami oasis apply korini …amr ki scholarship k3 pete kono osubidhe hbe
কোনো সমস্যা হবে না। আসলে, তুমি কেবলমাত্র একটি স্কলারশিপ পাবে, যদি কন্যাশ্রী স্কলারশিপ এর টাকা পাও তাহলে OASIS স্কলারশিপ এর টাকা পাবে না।
Sir ami K3 korte jachi kintu amar id invalid dekhache . Ami schoole theke o likhe anlam tau id invalid bolche. Akhon ki korbo ami
Hello Amina, at the time of online application check the ‘Year of Kanyashree(K2) Application’ correctly and also check your K2 id number. If you till face the same issue then contact to the SVMCM Helpdesk.
Sir Ami 2019-20 te taka peye gechi kintu k3 application korar somoy k2 authentication fails , invalid bank data fetch dekhacche .. tahole Ami k3 application korte parbona ?sir pls janaben
Kanyashree renewal ki suru hoye geche??Jokhoni website khule log in korchi kono kichu upload er option e aschena.
Hello Binita, there might be any technical issues. Try after a few days.
আমি K3 করতে পারছি না, যখনই করতে যাচ্ছি bank details দেখাচ্ছে। কি ভাবে ব্যাংক তথ্য পরিবর্তন করবো
Hello sir, Kanyasree er form fill up korte giye “Reason for applying” ekti option asche document upload korar jonno. Ekhane kon document ti upload korte hobe?
হ্যালো প্রিয়াঙ্কা, তুমি নিশ্চয় তোমার PG কোর্স 2020 সালে পাস করেছো। সেই জন্য “Reason for applying” অপশন টা আসছে। তুমি যেই কারণে গত বছর এই স্কলারশিপ এর জন্য আবেদন করোনি, সেটা এখন উল্লেখ করতে হবে।
Sir amar name Mousumi samanta amar konnyasrir from nam er title ta vul deoya ache baki sob thikache kintu ami K1 r K2 r taka peyechi tor erpor K3 apply kono problem hobe ki ??
Hello Mousumi, at the time of the Kanyashree K3 Application you can edit your application form and make corrections.
sir ami jokhon k1 form fill up korechilam Amar birthday vul hoechilo ami k1 Or k2 taka peachi. akhon k3 apply korar somoi ami ki birthday ta change korte parbo?
Hello Mohima, yes you can update your Data of Birth at the time of Kanyashree K3 scholarship application.
When I am filling in my K2 applicant I’d and other details, it is saying kanyashree authentication failed invalid bank data fetch from K2. However I have received K2 scholarship.
What shall I do please reply
Hello Anshika, before enter the K2 id number check it once and at the time of providing bank account details check the bank account number and IFSC code (if updated). You may contact to the SVMCM Helpdesk for further help.
I’m D.EL.ED student.. I complete my Graduation 2020 .Can I apply K3???
Distance MA te K3 apply kora jabe??
Hello Supriti, D.El.Ed students or Distance course M.A students can’t apply for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship scheme.
Sir ,Ami Riya das Ami burdwan university r Rampurhat college a p.g ta admission niaa chi agar bochor .open counciling a chance pawaw sai bochor K3 apply korta pari ni Karon amadar jokhon addmisan hoi tokhon scholarship at date pariaa gacha .to sir ai year a ki K3 r Jono apply korta parbo Ami?
Hello Riya, you apply for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. You have to mention a proper reason, why you not applied last year at the time of online application.
Where I upload this document??k3 scholarship there have no option to upload documents..
Can I apply both k3 and swami vivekananda scholarship at the same time???
No, you can apply for only one scholarship scheme.
Hlo sir…
Ami alada state theke graduation passout hoye6i…. tobe ki ami k3 apply Korte parbo na??? kintu ami k2 pey6i
To respect sir .
Iam 2nd year student under Calcutta University so how can I apply this kanyashree scholarship pls kindly reply sir.
Hello, Sir. Ami 2018 te K2 scheme er ek kalin taka peyechilam. Ei year ami graduation complete kore masters course e bhorti hoyechi. Amr K2 er ID amr mone nei ar kothao likhe rekhechilam ki na tao mone nei. K2 id janar jonno ki korte hobe jodi bolen ami khub e upokrito hobo.
Hello Shaista, to get your Kanyashree K2 id, you have to contact to your school or college, from where you first applied for the Kanyashree Prakalpa.
Sir k1 and k2 id number ki same?
Yes, your Kanyashree K1, K2 id number is same.
Sir Ami siti gharai bolchi.ami jante chai k3 prakalpati ki 2 bochore course anujayi pawa jabe naki Akbar e one yr ER Jono ?
Good afternoon Sir ami Anannya Banerjee…ami K2 r taka ta recently peyechi..ebong ekhon ami College r student 2nd year r…ami ki etai apply korte pari?apni jodi reply koren khub vlo hoy
Kanyashree K3 Scholarship only for Post Graduate students.
Sir keo jodi 2017 te H.S pass kore 2018 te college e vorti hoi 2021 e college complet kore, akhon PG admission hoi se ki k3 scholarship pabe?
Hello Sampa, yes she can apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship this year (she must have the Kanyashree K2 id number).
Sir ami Aparna Bala. ami OASIS scholarship er jnno apply korle ki k3 apply korte parbo?
Hello Aparna, yes you can apply for both the scholarship schemes.
আমার কন্যাশ্রী k2 a নাম ভুল ছিল কিন্তুু আমি k2 from a টাকা পেয়েছিলাম।
তাহলে কি আমি k3 from a টাকা পাবো
স্যার বলুন প্লিজ
Sir ami 2020 sale graduation complete korechi. Ami jodi 2022 sale m.a te admission niy tahole ki ami kanyashree er k3 er taka pabo?
Hello Priyanka, you cannot apply for the Kanyashree K3 scholarship this year (2022) as you passed your Graduation on 2020.
Sir ,ami vivekananda scholarship apply korle ami ki ter sathe k3 taw apply korte prbo ?
Hello Papi, no cannot apply for both scholarship schemes. You can only apply to either SVMCM or Kanyashree K3.
Sir,ami ai year e ug complete korechi ami jodi M.A. te distance e vorti hoi tahole ki ami K3 er jonno apply korte parbo ?
Hello Priyanka, if you will take admission for the M.A course in distance mode, then you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir ami 2020 te graduation complete korechi kintu oi bochore 2020-2021 session m.a admission korte parini ekhon jodi ami 2021-2022 session vorti hoi tahole ki k3 apply korte parbo??
Hello Manisha, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship this year.
Sir I have passed out my graduation degree in 2020 can I apply k3 this year? I am pursuing my MA regular degree.
Hello Riya, yes you can apply for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship this year. At the time of online application, you have to mention a valid cause about why you not applied last year.
Sir, Ami Kanyashree K1 korechilm Kintu Amar 18 bochor hole Madhymik school theke I’d transfer certificate na deoyar karone K2 korte parini. Ekhon Ami P.G (History) admission hobo. K2 Chara K3 apply Kora jabe ki
Hello Arati, if you have the Kanayshree ID number, then you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship scheme.
Ami susmita samanta. 2020 te ug complete kore pg course e vorti hoyechi .kintu 2020-2021 te amar k3 from fill up hoini .ekhon 1st year running cholche 1st year er exam to ekhono hoini .exam october e hobe .ami ki 2021 e k3 from fill up korte parbo? Ekane ki ami ug final year er marksheet dekhiye from fill up korle hobe?
Hello Susmita, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship now. The online application already over. Now only UG 2021 passed students can apply for this scholarship.
Sir my name is piyali Naskar.i complete my graduate 2020 but some reason i can’t admission 2020.but this year 2021 already done my admission in m.sc can i apply k3 form this year? please help me
Hello Piyali, yes you can apply for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship scheme. But At the time of online application, you have to mention a proper reason, what you did not apply last year.
Sir amar k1 r k2 from er id hariye giye thakle.oi id ta kivabe payoa somvob hobe? plz bolun si..ota ki r payoa jabe na??
Hello Tatni, contact to your school/college from where you applied for kanyashree k2 scholarship scheme. They may have any record this id number.
Hello sir,ami puja sing ami k3 ar from renewal kora 3masa hoya gecha kintu akhono taka dhukane kintu jara amar pora koracha tadar taka dhuka gecha akhon ami ki korbo sir
Hello Puja, login to the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship portal (svmcm.wbhed.gov.in) and then login with your Application ID, Password. You can check your application status there.
Sir mein k2 ke liye apply kiya th pr mera k2 ka paisa avi tk nhi aaya or mere sath jo baki sb th unka aa gaya.sir iske liye ky krna hoga.
Hello Sanjana, to check your Kanyashree K2 scholarship application status contact your school/college.
Sir ami 2018 te b.a complete kore b.ed kore6i abar m.a regular korle ki k3 ba bibekanando scholarship pabo.
Hello Sathimondal, as per the official guidelines, students who passed their UG course in 2020 or 2021, can only apply for Kanyashree k3 scholarship this year.
Sir bol6i ami k2 taka pey6i..ami akhn bcom 1st year a pori…tahole k3 renewal r jnno ki korte hbe..ar jnno college theke ki kichu korte hbe…
Hello Srijani, Kanyashree K3 scholarship available only for the University Postgraduate Students.
I need kanyashree k3 from sir
The Kanyashree K3 SCholarship application process is online.
Sir ami 2020 te graduation pass kori ar tarpor admission nite 2021 er march hoye jay tai k3 er jonno apply korte parini ami ki aibar apply korte parbo kano late hoyeche sei application diye?
Hello Rukmini, you can apply for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. But you have to upload a supporting document and provide a valid reason, why you did not apply last year as you passed your UG course in 2020.
Sir, ami 2020 te B. SC complete Korechi… But Ami k3 application 20-21 year unfortunately skip Kore gechi.. Ami M. SC te admission niye niyechi, ami ki M. SC er 2nd year mean next year apply korte parbo?????
Graduation er por m.sc na kore jodi b.ed kori tahole ki k3 apply korte parbo?
Kanyashree K3 Scholarship is not available for B.ED course students.
sir ami ei year e k3 renwal krechi. application hoi forward korar pore amar status under process chilo but change hoe forwarded by hoi hoi.but same time amader clg er oneker approved show krche.amar ta forwarded by hoi kano hochhe? amar ta ki approve hbe na? pls ektu bolun sir
Hello Tanusree, if you fill the scholarship application correctly with all the genuine data, then no need to worry. Your application will be approved soon.
Sir K3 renewal from er ki akhono date ache??…Karon sir akhono amar boner result dai ni rabindra bharati university tai ….Akhono ki date ache sir??
Hello Subhadeep, the last date for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship renewal till not been published. So, your sister can renew this scholarship after getting her result.
Jara K2 from payni tara koba paba r tara ki aita korte para
Sir Amar name rime hazra Ami 3 yr complete hoycha 51% Ami ki apply korta parbo ?
Ami jode M.A na kore paramedical Kichu course kore taholai ki apply korta parbo
Hello Rima, Kanyashree K3 scholarship only for the Postgraduate (MA/M.Sc/M.Com etc) students. If you will take admission in Paramedical course, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship.
Sir ami K3 fill up korechilm kintu amr akhno taka aseni. Ami online a amr K3 application check korechilm sekhane amount distribute dekhacche, ami bank giye khoj niyechi but taka dhokeni
Hello Rina, it may take time upto 1 to 2 months to get the scholarship amount on your bank account. So, you have to wait few more weeks. Don’t worry you will get the scholarship amount as it’s showing Distributed.
Sir Ami hemanti xalxo 2 year pori amr konno kolarship taka paini apply Kore chilam kintu k2 howar por baatil Kora hoche Ami r ek ek bar from Apply korte parbo
Hello Hemanti, you cannot apply as a fresh candidate for this scholarship. Only 1st-year students are eligible to do so.
Sir ami 15.2.2021 e k3 form fillip kre6i kintu ekhono Amar taka dhokeni … university te jkhn joma die6ilam Onara bole6ilen kono vul nei … Amar sathe jara kore6ilo oder taka dhuke6e … tahle ami ekhn ki korbo sir ???
Hello Aditi, তুমি SVMCM স্কলারশিপ-এর ওয়েবসাইটে লগইন করে, নিজের কন্যাশ্রী স্কলারশিপ-এর আবেদন-এর স্ট্যাটাস দেখতে পারবে।
Hello sir, ami samapti, 2018 sal e graduation pass kori 60% niye. Trpor b. Ed 2018-2020 session e ekon ami M.A. koarchi ami ki apply korte parbo k3??? R parlew ami ses marksheet hisabe konta debo? B.Ed / graduation?
Hello Samapti, the fresh registration for the Kanayshree K3 Scholarship already over for this year. You cannot apply for this scholarship scheme now.
Hello sir, ami puja 2021 sal e passed korechi 60% akhun July session e aami addmission nite for m.a apply korechi can I apply for this scheme ?
Hello Puja, yes you can apply for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship scheme. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully before applying for this scholarship.
Sir,I have applied for k3 last year.And I got the scholarship.But this year While I log in my Application for renewal .,it is showing no data found and my photo is also not showing.What to do ?I can’t understand.Please help
Hello Rushi, try to login after few days. If you will face the same issue, then contact with SVMCM helpdesk regarding thisissue.
Hello sir,
Ami k3 renewal er jonno apply korte chai bt recently Amar bank er IFSC code change hyeche ,Ami kivbe bank details ta edit korbo kindly amai bolben please.
Hello Shafina, you can read this post for more details – update bank account info for SVMCM/Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Okay sir,thank you
Sir k3 renewal form fillap e online admission receipt ta deoar somoy kono clg er stamp thakte hbe? Na thakle ki kono problem hbe?
Hello Tanusree, if your college provides you the fees payment receipt online, then a college seal/stamp not required.
Kono student jodi west Bengal er hoy ebong se jodi msc korar jonno west Bengal er baire jay tahole ki se K3 korte parbe?
Hello Anulekha, if the student pursuing her PG degree from any other state then she cannot apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship scheme. Candidates must pursue Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State (WB)
Tahole ki post graduation e se kono kothao theke kono scholarship pabe na?
Sir ami k3 taka paiache 1st yr aa bt 1st sem Amer fail ache paper a ,ami ki 2yr k3 jonno application korte parbo ,
Hello Sathi, as per the official guideline, you cannot apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship renewal application.
K3 renewal er lasy date kbe?akon ki k3 renwal er from fillap kra jabe?
Hello Tanusree, you can apply for Kanyashree renewal now.
Hello sir , ami Triparni Jana. Ami calcutta university under a 2021 e zoology niye graduation pass korechi, ekhn ami government college art &and craft (under calcutta university) bfa(Batchelor of fine arts) e admission niyechi. Ami ki k3 formfillup korte prbo?
Sir, amar ekta proshno chilo , plz ektu help korben, sir ami Shreya Chakraborty, ami k3 renewal application fill up korechi, amar 2nd yr er admission niachi 5/4/21, kintu university akhono kono receipt paini, sudhu online payment er screenshot ta ache, ar ami otar e print nia k3 renewal fill up korechi, kono problem hobe na to sir, reject hoa jabe na to sir? Plz sir reply korben.
You cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir amar rbu te pore..2nd year er result akhono publish hoi ni tai k3 fillup korte parche na…Last date kobe aktu please bolun
Hello Subhadeep, the last date to apply online for the Kanyshree K3 Scholarship not published yet. Probably it will continue few more months.
Sir k3 renewal applications er last date kbe?
Hello Tanusree, the last date of Kanyashree K3 Scholarship renewal application not published yet.
K3 renewal ar from fill up a vul hya gla sta ki vba thik kora jai???
Hello Anjali, contact your University and request them to unlock your scholarship application form. After that you can log in to the website and edit the data.
sir amader ebar admission reciept ta deoa hoini clg theke. Sudhu online payment reciept ache bank er. To ota die ki k3 renewal kra jabe? R sir k3 renewal er last date kbe?
Yes, you can use online payment receipt/admission confirmation receipt to apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship.
Sir amader akhono M.sc 1st yr are exam hoi ni , even 2nd yr are admission o hoi ni amar kacha m.sc 1st yr are marksheet o nai are cono admission recipe nai ami ke vaba k3 renewal apply korbo
Dear Sir,
I need an urgent suggestion. Right now, I am applying for the K3 Scholarship. But, during the application, scanned copy of reason for apply is being demanded as one of the supporting documents. I cannot find any format for this document. Please suggest what I should upload in this place. I passed the graduation in 2019 and took admission to postgraduate course in 2020.
Hello Trisha, you have to upload any document in supporting of your one year drop (as you passes on 2019). You can upload your Medical certificate (if not taken admission last year due to it). You can also upload admit card of any entrance exam, you were preparing last year etc.
Sir, Ami 2020 te graduation complete korechi..amr 2nd yr er chemistry te supplement chilo tai final clear result pete late hoyechilo bole Ami 2020 te M.Sc apply Korte parini..Ami 2021 e M.Sc vorti hole K3 er one year drop er jonno supporting document konta debo?
Hello Kasturi, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship next year.
Thank you sir..tahole one year drop er Jonno supporting document konta debo?
Hello Kasturi, you can upload your marksheet 2nd year marksheet as proof of your late admission due to supplement.
Hello sir ami k3 te apply kore6i kintu submit korar por dekhchi marksheet er 1side upload hoye6e sudhu. Ekhetre ki korte hobe?
Hello ENAKSHI, contact to SVMCM helpline phone number and request them to unlock your scholarship application. After that edit your application form upload both sides of your marksheet.
sir ami form fill up korar pore submit korlam .. submit ar pore amar photo application form a aseni ..photo r jayagaya blank aseche… ami akhon ki korbo ? kindly aktu bolben.. ami photo r signature diachilam…
Hello Srewasri, try to check after a few hours. If till the photo and signature are not showing on the online application form, contact once to the SVMCM helpdesk or register a grievance on their website.
Sir ,plz bolben k3 renewal er last date kobe??
The last date for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship online application not published yet. But the fresh application last date is 15th February 2021.
Sir,ami jante chai ekhon ki r renewal ere sate ache for k3 scholarship??
K3 form completely. Submit korar por .bank account r name spelling jodi bank e change kori..tahole ki scholarship taka amar account asbe?..or 2nd time form e account details abar edit korte hbe?
Hello Subhashree, try to keep the same name on both Bank account and SVMCM Scholarship application form, otherwise, you may face some issues.
Sir ami 2016-19session e graduation complete korechi english hons e with 61.4%marks & K2 peyechilm ,k2 I’d O ache & 19-21 session b. Ed korechi & 21-23 session e regular mode post graduation korle ki ami k3 scholarship pabo?
Sir ami k3 form filap krechi but form filap krar por jante parlam j bank account deyoa hoyeche tar IFS code number change hoyeche ota change na krle kono problem hobe?? Change jdi krte hoy ki vabe krbo?? K3 krle SC form filap kra jabe??
1.Amr 2019 a graduate complete hoa6a.tarpor iti te vorti hoa6i…ami ki k3 scholarship ta pabo?k2 ta paya6i.
2.ami ai year amr MA te vorti hobo .ami ki k3 pate pari?
Hello Shyamoli, after taking admission into the M.A course you can apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship (read the eligibility guidelines carefully once)
Sir i graduate 2020 and now i gap 1 year for competitive exam. In next year if I persue msc so can I apply for k3 ??
Hello Mita, yes you can apply for the SVMCM Scholarship next year after taking admission into the M.Sc course. But you have to enter a valid reason in that field for not applying for SVMCM Scholarship in this year.
K3 from fillup korte monthly income limit koto ache . Aktu bolben pls.
Kono maximum limit nei.
sir k3 form ko phir college me jama karna hai kiya ya nahi bsss online hi
Hello Sana, it depends upon your College/University. As per the guidelines, the complete process is online. But some institutions said their students to submit the filled application form with photocopies. of their documents for the verification process.
Amr k3 ta renewal hba.. Kintu ami application ta open krta parchi na.. Password ta invalid bolcha.. Ar jay number ta diyachilm sata bondho hoya gacha.. Akhn ki ota kichu kora jaba.. Please aktu help korun
Hello Raya, if you don’t have the mobile number, which you used at the time of registration, then you cannot reset your Kanayshree K3 Password. Better to contact to the SVMCM Helpdesk through the phone call or email.
Sir k3 er jono kon marks ta
Dite hbe sudhu honers er (jta diye MA te admission hoe6i)na total ta
Hello Bandana, you have to enter your Honours subjects marks at the time of Kanayshree K3 Scholarship application.
sir mere name k 1 spelling mistake ho gayi h ,(a) ke jagh(e ) hogya h sr form me kya kare sir btaye please sir plzzz main kya kro totlly sab me mre nam me a h bt aplication form me e dala gya kya kre sir plzz reply.
Hello Sana, contact to your University and request to unlock your scholarship application form or register a Grivenve from the SVMCM Scholarship portal.
Sir ami k2 je year e peye6i sei year ta vhul hoye6e tahole Ami ki korbo
Hello Rajashree, SVMCM Scholarship er helpdesk e contact kore correction kore now.
দাদা,,,অামার k2 id হারিয়ে ফেলেছি,, অামি কি কোনো ভাবে k3 apply korte parbo??
Hello Ankita, yes you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship without having K2 id number. Just select DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (DPI) option at the time of online form fillup from SVMCM Official website.
Sir K3 total amount arts er khetre (48k for 2 yrs ) ki svmcm arts er equal?
Hello Sanchita, yes the amount will be same, Rs. 48,000 for two years.
Sir kanyashree k3 scholarship ar last date ta kobe? Sir ami ki Indira Gandhi single girl child ar kanyashree k3 scholarship ar from filup aksathe duto korte pari??
Hello Riya, yes you can apply for both the scholarship schemes (if eligible).
Sir amr 2017 te K2 form school theke cancel hoye giyechilo toh ami ki K3 ar jonno apply korte parbo ?
Hello Gugaree, if you have 45% marks in your UG Couse then you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship scheme. At the time of online application select “DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (DPI)” option.
Hello sir apnar sathe aktu dorkar chilo ami 3 December a konnasreer K2 ar from filap korechilam ar amar 11 December sms asche phone a kintu akhono amar konnasreer K2 ar taka ta ase ni to sir ami ki korbo aktu kindly bolben plz
Hello Neha, contact to the institution (school/college) from where you applied for Kanasyhree K2 Scholarship scheme.
I am an agriculture graduate.I have taken admission in Visvabharati University in PG.I have k2 id.
am I eigible for Kanyashree k3 scholarship?
Hello Manika, yes you can apply for Kansyeshree K3 Scholarship for your PG Course.
Ami online a k3 apply korachi ….college dea blcha 15 tarik r madha college a gea joma deta main from r shata sb documents r zrox…kintu apni blchen ja shudu online a apply korlae hba thla college dea ata blcha kno ..ak2 bolben pl…
এটা কলেজের সম্পূর্ণ নিজস্ব ব্যাপার। SVMCM অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট অনুযায়ী এই স্কলারশিপের আবেদন পদ্ধতি সম্পূর্ণ অনলাইন। কিন্তু অনেক সময় কলেজ আবেদনকারীদের সমস্ত ডকুমেন্টস ভেরিফিকেশনের জন্য, তাদের সব ডকুমেন্টের ফোটোকপি কলেজে জমা দিতে বলে।
K3 এর জন্য ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে কি করতে হবে? ইউনিভার্সিটি র কারোর কি সাইন বা কিছু নিতে হবে? নাকি সবটাই শুধু মাত্র অনলাইনে হবে?
সমস্ত আবেদন পদ্ধতি অনলাইনে। কারোর কোনো সই এর প্রয়োজন নেই।
Hi, Iam Anjumanara Islam, I have passed Bachelor of Optimetry,in Paramedical Course at Durgapur,WB.Unfortunately I have not got any Scholership kanyashree or K3 .Now I read in Master of Optometry at Durgapur,WB.and I want to get the K3 Scholership.But Ihave no ID of K2, Please Suggest me how I will get the K3 scholership.thank you.
Hello Anjumanara, Kanyashree K2 id is mandatory to apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship. If you received Kanyashree Rs. 25,000 amount, then you must have an K2 id number. Contact with your last institution. If you no received any such amount, then you not have any K2 id number and now you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship scheme.
Sir, K1 id r k2 id same thake…
Hello Piyali, yes K1, K2 er ID number same thake.
akyashree or kanyashrre dono apply kar sakte h kya
Hello Sana, you can apply for only one scholarship scheme.
Sir minorities der o ei ek ki site theke K3 apply hobe?
Kanyashree K3 Scholarship application only done from SVMCM website. All communities students have to apply for Kanyashree K3 from this website only.
Sir ami post graduation admission niyechi 65% peyechi ami k3 and vivekanand scholarship aksonge 2to kra parbo.
Hello Madhushree, you can apply for one scholarship only either SVMCM or Kanyashree K3 (if eligibile).
Sir ami K1 peachi but k2 paini tobe ki k3 ar jnno apply korte parbo?
K3 renewal er last date ta kobe ?
Hello sir k3 apply korar jonno admission receipt lagbe.. Amader university te ekhono verification hoyni only admission fee payment er receipt ta ache ota diye apply kora jabe ki? Please reply korun.
Hello Binita, yes you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship using your Online Admission Fees payment receipt.
Ami RBU te M.A. te vorti hoyechi kanyashree k3 er jonno apply kirechi Seta University theke verification Kore application Kore Forward o Kore diyeche. eibar Ami ki SC-ST Oasis scholarship er jonno application korte parbo ?? Korle ki kanyashree k3 r Oasis kono ta reject Hobe ?
Hello Puja, yes you can apply for WB OASIS Scholarship scheme.
Sir.. Rabindra bharati University r scharship department e jei sir ache uni bollen tahole kanyashree k3 r WB Oasis scholarship 2toi auto – reject hoye jabe ..tar mane sir apni 100% sure je 2toi application kora jabe , r Oasis scholarship er last date Kobe joma Dewar Kolkata DWO office e?
Hello Puja, as per scholarship terms and conditions, a student will get only one scholarship. So, if you apply for both the scholarships, one scholarship scheme may be rejected but you may get the other one (if everything fine).
I am m.tech student can I apply for k3
Hello Fatima, you can apply for Aikyashree SVMCM Scholarship scheme.
Sir, oasis r k3 eksathe apply kora jabe?
Hello Nupur, yes one student can apply for both the Knayshree K3 and WB OASIS Scholarship scheme.
Sir last date Kobe aktu bolin pls?
Hello sir ami 2018 te graduation complete korechi.2020 te ami masters e admission niyechi.ami ki k3 form apply korte parbo? Plz bolun ami kichu bujhte parchi na.
Sir Plz ei answer ta din.Ei question ta amaro….Amio 2018 te graduation pass korechi r 2020 te M.A te admission niyechi.Ami ki Kanyashree K3 er jonnyo apply korte parbo??
Hello Mallika, you cannot apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. Only the 2019 or 2020 Graduation passed girls students with valid K2 id number, can apply for Kanysahree k3 scholarship.
Ami 2018 te graduation complete korechi.2020 te ami masters e admission niyechi.ami ki k3 apply korte parbo?
Sir AMI M.A. te K3 scholarship peyechi. Ebar Sir ami Government College e B.ed e Admission niyechi. Tahole Sir ami ki abar k3 e jonno apply korte parbo ?
Hello Ayasi, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship only for the PG Course students. B.Ed course students cannot apply for this. Here is the official announcement regarding K3: Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State after obtaining Under Graduate Degree with 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State will come under the aegis of this Scholarship Scheme.
Ami distance a M A korchi…ami ki k3 jonno apply korte parbo..plz sir aktu bolben..ami bujhte parchi na..
Hello Moumita, you can not apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Distance course students are not eligible to apply for Kanysahree K3 Scholarship.
Hello sir, k3 fresh application last date kokhn?? Kindly jodi help koren
K3 renewal kbe thek start hbe? Kindly aktu blbn.
Hello Mahjuba, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship renewal may be start from the middle of December. Although there is no any official notification about this.
Hlo sir ami k3 korechi ami ki ar kono alada scholership korte parbo please reply?
Gd afternoon mam, ami University te BMRIT COURSE korchi ami k3 joonno ki apply korte pari.?
Sir I want to pursue m.a. from distance learning… Can I apply for k3 form? Sir if I want to change my bank account for kannasree… is it possible?
Hello Ankita, Kanayshree K3 scholarship not available for the students pursuing Distance course.
K3 apply korle ki Indira Gandhi Single Girl Child scholarship-er jonno apply korte parbo?
Hello Keya, yes you can apply for both Kanayshree K3 Scholarship and Indira Gandhi Single Girl cHild scholarship scheme.
K3 renewal er closing date kokhon hobe ma’am?…
Hello Tripti, currently no information available about Kanayshree K3 Scholarship closing date. It may continue up to February/March 2021.
Sir, Ami bsc nursing kora, MSc nursing a vorti hoyachi. Ami ki k3 form fill up korta parbo?? Piease reply.
Hello Bristi, if you have valid Kanayshree K2 ID number then you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship otherwise go for SVMCM Scholarship.
Hello sir, Ami ei bochor 2020 B.A pass out hobo (semester system)
Ami merit cum means scholarship ta korbo naki K3 ta?? Post graduation ar jonnya
Konta ami korbo aktu bolben?
Ar sir ei duto scholarship ki akei pg r jonnya ?
Hello Mita, at first take admission to any PG course after that you can apply the scholarship. If you have a Kanyashree K2 Id number (you received Kanyashree scholarship before) then you can apply for K3 Scholarship. If not, then you can apply for SVMCM Scholarship.
You cannot apply for both the scholarships schemes.
Hlw sir…apni ki please ektu blte prben j kannyashree schollarship (k3) tar last date ki update hoye6e?? Na nov 15 2020 e ache….please kindly jodi ektu help koren…r ha sir k3 fresh form ta online fillup korar por ki amadike university te documents joma dite jete hobe??
Hello Ishita, the last date of Kanyashree K3 Scholarship 2020 not published yet. Probably it will be December 2020 or January 2021. No need to visit to the University for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship verification or form submission.
Thank u sir
Hello sir, ami 2020 te diploma pass korechi and new b.tech e admission hobo . ami ki K3 apply korte pari ? r ami svmcm r K3 dutoi ki apply korte pari plz ektu bolben ?
Hello Archana, Kanayshree K3 Scholarship only for Post Graduate students. You can apply only for SVMCM Scholarship scheme.
k3 ৱিনুয়াল কি ভাবে কৱবো।। এই পৱিস্থিতে কি ভাবে ৱিনুয়াল কৱবো।।। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে form টা জমা দেব বা কি ভাবে।দয়া কৱে একটু সাহায্য কৱুণ
Hello Aditi, the complete renewal application process is online. No need to visit to the university for Knaayshree k3 renewal.
Sir, please say Kannyashree renewal korar date kakhon deoa habe, amra ai situation e marksheet o paini, so kivabe ami apply korte parbo renewal form ta. Date deoar por kii extra kichu din thakbe? R sir, amar akta paper akhon clear noi, so, ami kii korte parbo ?
Sir, presently I dont have any admission slip because our admission free was exempted…But admission slip is mandatory to apply for the K3 scholarship…Now what can I do? ….Please help
Thank you
Hello Puja, Kanyashree K3 Fresh/Renewal Application not started yet. Wait for the official notification. Then you must have a proper option to apply for this scholarship.
স্যার কোনো বেসরকারি কলেজ বা ইউনিভার্সিটি থেকে রেগুলার র M.A করলে কী scholarship পাওয়া যাবে? প্লিজ জানাবেন..
Hello Susmita, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship for your M.A. course.
Sir ami 1st sem e porchi ami ki k3 er jonyo apply korte parbo??
ami 2018 te graduation cmplt kre6i,trpr ami ekta course krte kolkata chole jai tai oi year a possible hyni form fill up kora r university te admission houa,,then next 2019 a ami regular a m.sc te admission hoy nia oi year a form fill up er date peria jai tai 2019 a o kora hyni .tale ami ki ebr mne 2020 te k3 apply krte prbo??plzz bolun sir
You cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship this year. Currently you are in 2nd year of your course. As per Kanyashree K3 Scholarship guidelines, only 1st year PG course students are eligible to apply.
Ami Abar HS complete korlam , Abar 1st year a vorti hobo , Ami ki kanyashree k3 application korta parbo ??
Kanayshree K3 Scholarship only for Postgraduate students. You cannot apply for this scholarship now.
Ami wbuhs er under e B.sc. nursing er 2nd year student,Aditi,ami ki M.sc nursing course korar somoy,k3 form er jonno abedon korte pari?
Hello Aditi, if you already got Kanyashree K2 Scholarship and you have a valid K2 Id number then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship at the of your M.Sc nursing Course.
Hello sir..
Ami paramedical student..ei year passout..Ami ki apply krte parbo K3..?
Hello Jayshri, as per the eligibility of Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. Only 1st-year Postgraduate students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Hello sir, ami 2019 saale K3 er jnne aplly korechilam, ebong 2020 er January mashe 30000/- taka eseche account a, amake ki ei bochor kanyashree K3 renew korte hobe? Please reply sir. Thanking you in advance.
Hello Mousumi, yes you have to renew your Kanayshree K3 Scholarship this year also after taking admission to 2nd year / 3rd Sem. The Online renewal process till not started yet. Wait few more days to apply renewal.
Hello sir, ami annyesha ami M. A 1st sem e te k3 apy korte parini ami ekhun M. A 2md sem e pori ami ki ar apply korte parbo k3?
Hello Annyesha, you cannot apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship now. Only UG 2020 Passout students, who will take admission in PG 1st year, are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Hello sir/mam
Ami hs diyechhi 2020 te . 17 July 2020 te result out hoachhe .Amar 87% number hoachhe..r Ami ab er st semester a college a admission Nebo…r Ami K2 te 25000 peychhi…Ami college a admission er por k3 r jonno apply korte pari ?
Hello Halima, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship available only for University (Postgraduate) students. So, you cannot apply for this scholarship. Although you can apply for SVMCM Scholarship.
Respected Mam/Sir,
My issue is that my sim card got deactivated.. So I lost my phone number and the password which was saved in the sim. I am unable to login for K3 now. Is there any possibilities of me being able to login now? I have the email and applicant ID with me now. Thanks in advance for replying to this issue of mine.
Hello Souvika, you can easily reset your Kanayshree k3 scholarship application password. Just visit the official website and then click on the Forgot Password option under login screen.
Hi sir,This is Mamata Adhikary. I’m a MBA student. I just got admission so can I do apply for k3 ??
Hello Mamata, fresh application for Knayshree K3 Scholarship closed for this academic season.
Hello sir,
I am Nahida Gayen. Now I am studying in M. A. 2nd year. I have applied K3 form 2019 but till not get my scholarship whether my other mates has been got their scholarship a day ago. Please tell me what is the problem here. Or maybe there have been some kind of rules that some students got their scholarship first and then all rest of the students got last after some days!
Hello Nahida, you can check your Kanysahree K3 Scholarship application status by login to the SVMCM website, using your Application id and Password.
Hello..Ami Kuheli Ghosal..Ami jante chai j honours paper e jodi 45% er kom marks thake but graduation e 45% er besi thake tahole ki k3 form er jonno apply kora jete pare? please bolben..
Hello Kuheli, yes overall 45% or above marks in UG course thakle Kanayshree K3 Scholarship er jonno apply kora jabe.
Respected sir,, ami only 2 nd sem r result ta diye renewal korechi.thik kore new vabe upload korte hole ki korte hobe please bolun
Hello Barnali, if you already applied for Kanyashree K3 renewal, then you cannot apply for it again. Your application is locked now for further verification.
Hlw sir, I applied for K3 but in second semester I did not clear a particular paper due to my illness.. Bt I submitted both semesters result… I got the successful message from the institution..Am I able to get the Scholarship?
Hello Anamika, if your Kanyashree K3 Scholarship application form passed the district level verification, then you may get the scholarship amount. Login to the website to check your scholarship application status.
Hello sir k3 renewal r last date ta ki June 2020? Ami M. Sc 2nd year r Student k3 renewal r jnno shudhu 2nd sem r marksheet r admission reciept tai ki upload krte hbe? Ektu bolben?
Hello Madhumita, Kanyashree K3 renewal application er jonno 1st sem and 2nd Sem (both) er result lagbe. Duto marksheet scan kore upload korte hobe.
I shall apply for k3 renewal.Can I scan one side of my two semesters’ marksheet of previous year? When I scanned both sides of my two marksheets the informations were not clear to see.
Respected sir,
I am going to admit in correspondence course/Distance course under Burdwan University.
Am I eligible for K3 ?
Hello Snigdha, as per the official notification, distance course students are not eligible to apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Hi sir,, amr 1st sem holo just,, r ajj amr a/c e k3 er ,24000 taka dhuklo ,, amr proshno hoche Ami ki only ei year ei 24000 jeta pelm sudhu etai ki pabo?? Naki next year e k3 renewal kore abar balance pabo?? Seta kokhn r ki vabe apply korte hobe kindly Jodi ektu bolen khub valo hoy,,,
Hello Ankita, you will get the Kanyashree K3 scholarship amount next year also after renewal application. The details eligibility criteria for renewal application is mentioned above.
Sir ame k3 application krace.Ame k3 application ta tracking kra dklm j application approved dkaca…jeta 14december 2019 approved hoaca…sir amdr scholarship amount ta tik kkn pabo..
Hi sir,k3 r online form fill up er last date 15 tarikh chilo bt amar M.A te admission tarpor hoy.so Ami online form fill up korte pari ni tokhon.ekhon ki r k3 r jonno form fill up kora possible??
Hello Dipisha, the fresh application for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship already over. You cannot apply now.
Hello mam, Ami k3 scholarship taka peyechilm but akhon Ami University change korechi .. toh kivabe kannyashree ta transfer korbo .. please help
Hello Tina, the online fresh/renewal application process for Kanayshree K3 scholarship not started yet. When the application will start, you have to visit this address, DPI, Bikash Bhavan (9th Floor), Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091 with your all the university related documents and scholarship documents. They will help you to transfer your scholarship application. You can also send an email at this address, helpdesk.svmcm.wb@gov.in information your issue.
Hi sir I m Arpita..m.a part 1 Ami k3 r sb rkm process complete kre6I online fill up o kre6I but status ta dkhte par6i na sir …kin2 amr toh application successful msg es6lo sir…kivbe bujhbo ek2 sahajjo korun
Hello Arpita, visit
website and then login with your Application Id and password to check your Kanyashree K3 Scholarship application status.Sir, amar Kanyashree ta rejected dekheche,, reason dekhache supporting documents are missing,,,ata keno holo kichu bujhte parchina,,,amar institute theke sir toh forward kore diyechen,,akhon ki korte hobe,,ata ki r hobe naki hobena???aktu bolben please
Hello Samima, contact with the SVMCM Kanyshree K3 Helpline. They will provide your the exact solution for this.
Sir I have no helpline number… please kindly provide me the number
You can contact to this phone number, 18001028014 or visit Bikash Bhavan.
K3 form fillup korar por ki University te joma dite hobe? Because CU Alipore camps form with others documents joma nicche?
K3 ki next year renewal korte hobe?
Yes, next year renewal korte hobe.
Hi sir…
Amr k3 renewal e vul kre sudhu 2nd sem er number dewa hoyeche…eta ki cancel hoye jbe…nki edit kora jbe…please help me sir
Hello Ipsita, renewal application korar jonno 1st and 2nd sem er marks dite hobe. Tomar Application Form ta vul hoyeche. University te giye Application form ta unlock korte hobe. Tarpor tumi abr edit korte parbe.
Sir graduation er result diye ki 2bochor por por k3 er apply kora jbe?
Na, apply kora jabe na. Only current year students are eligible to apply for Kanayashree K3 Scholarship.
Hello Sir/Ma’am, ami paromita…Westbengal state university er M.A 3rd sem er student..amader 2nd semester er result 15 tarikh out hoyeche..ebong tarpore jokhon amra k3 form renewal korte jai..bar bar SVMCM er website close dekhachhe…Site ki r open hobe na ? protyekei khub tension a achi !
Hello paramita, SVMCM website is available now.
K3 form online fill up korachi kintu– “present Institution ” Bhul hoyacha. Filup hoyacha ..”Saheed Nurul Islam Mahavidyalaya ” ota korta hobe — “Directorate Of Distance Education Rabindra Bhavan.(DDERBU Barasat College study Center)”
Hello Jayashree, the online application already closed. You have no option to make the correction on your Knayshree K3 Application form. Contact once to the SVMCM Kanyashree Helpline phone number and request them to provide a solution.
Sir amnake onke onke dhonnobad.khub kushi holam sir.onke thank you.
sir, i have a supply on a paper of 3rd semester, Msc. Can i undergo the process of K3 renewal and get the scholarship?
No, if you having any Supply on your current course, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir ami risha ghosh.ami n.b.u under a achi.m.a part 2.sir ami m.a part 1 er sem a 61% peyechi.kintu sir amader markseet 15 tarik er por deyeche tai amra onkey from fill korte pari ni.online a sight ta kulche na.sir amara akhon ki korbo..amader akhon taka tar khub dorkor sir.amara baba kub giriv sir.anara onkey erkom achi.sir reply koren.help koren sir…????
Hello Risha, SVMCM er website kichu din por abr open hoye jabe. Tokhn renewal er jonno apply koro. Renewal er last date June 2020.
Complete process online bola holeo University te Kno joma nichhe sir?
Not sure about this. Contact with your University about this matter.
I am applying k3 and submited in before 30 th october…but in my status is only forwarded by HOI…
When the application can approved..??
Or can this possible that the application is cancelled
In graduation my percentage is 50% over
Hello Puspita, the complete process will take some time. So wait few months. Your application will be approved by your HOI.
Sir ami kanyashree scholarship er jonno abedon kore6i but ami amr present institude er jaygay vul bosoto college er name na dia oiii college ta jaiii university r under e ace ota dia dia6i kintu amr online submit process successful hoace … But ajk to last date chole gelo to amr ekhn ki koronio… Please help me sir
Contact to the helpline support number and request them to solve the issue.
Sir, I have submitted the application but Present college name given was wrong. So I have to edit the section. How to edit that section? Please help me out. Thanks.
To edit your Kanyashree K3 Scholarship application form after final submit Click Here and learn how to do that.
Sir ami Domiciliary certificate hisabe Caste Certificate upload korechi kono problem hbe ki . r jdi change korte hy tahole kivabe change korbo!!!!!
Hello Namita, we will advise you to change the documents and upload a proper Domicile certificate or address proof. Click Here to edit the application form.
Sir k3 fromfillup ta amar Graduation total koto mark exm hoyachilo sata vul lakha hoya gia6a, but total Ami koto paya6i and koto persenteg hoya6a sata thik lakha a6a and marksheet scane korao daya a6a. Ota ki vul lakha jonna kono problem hoba.
Correction kore nile valo hoi. Otherwise probelm hote pare.
Sir, ami K3 apply kore diyechi 2018ar marksheet diye, unfortunately ami agger year a korte parini,amar sob documents website a submit kora hoye geche,,akhn amake ki University te documents submit korte hobe…
Na, university te kono documents submit korte hobe na. Complete process ta online.
Hello sir, ami k3 from 2018 te fillup korechilam tokhon amr onno university chilo, tarpor ami university change korechi ebar renewal korar somoy ki kono problem hobe?
Hello Mou, yes renewal korar somoy problem hobe. Tumi scholarship noao pete paro. SVMCM helpline e contact koro.
Hello sir Ami k3 renewal form a only 2nd sem ar marks diyechi n upload o only 2nd sem ar result korechi …Ki korbo akhn Ami?
Hello Monika, contact with your current Institution and request them to unlock your Scholarship application. After that, you can edit and re-upload your application form.
Sir , amra K3 renewal korbo….1st sem er marksheet ache original,2nd semester er result out but 2nd sem er marksheet akhono deini….amra 2nd sem er marksheet ta print out ber kre principal sir k sign koriye; ota diye K3 renewal krte parbo?
Hello Namita, wait for the original marksheet and after that apply for renewal. The last date of renewal is approx June 2020. Or you can contact with your HOI and ask about this.
Sir Ami 2019 a 44.50% marks peye6i graduation a..ami ki k3 form fil up krte parbo??
Hello Nivedita, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Minimum 45% required to apply.
Sir amr overall (honours o pass)number 50% a6e tahole ki ami apply korte parbo ?
Hello sir, k3 form ta college e joma dite Hobe na ki University te
Hello Sourav, the complete Application Process is Online. You no need to submit the application form anywhere.
Sir, ami hs er por graduatoin kri ni , office mamagement a diploma kr6i ami ki k3 te apply krte parbo ?
Hello Amrita, we are not sure about that. But if you have Kanayshree K2 ID number then you can try to apply.
Hello sir, Ami open thake M.A kor6i.ami ki k3 from apply korte parbo
Hello Sarmistha, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. This scholarship only for Regular University girls students.
Hello sir,amr nam Shreya Chakraborty. Ami M.A korchi kolkatar The Sanskrit College and University theke. 2/11/2019 a ami kannayashree k3 form ta apply korechi but sekhane kannayashree (k2) year ta dite vule gachi.setar jonnya ki khub problem hbe.ami ki scollarship ta pabo na?
Hello Shreya, otar joono kono probelm hobe na. Jodi tumi online scholarship er form ta tik vabe submit koro, tahole kono problem nei.
Hello sir, Ami PG course er jonno private college e admission niyechi tahole ki Ami k3 Apply korte parbo.
Hello Payel, yes you can apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship.
sir /mam ami ai yr k3 form fillup kra6i…..ami university te sb submit kra dya6i.. print out krar por dkhlm k2 year dkha66a na..bt ami k2 year dya6lm..nhla toh k2 athuentication hto na..akhn ki krbo?
Hello Manika, login to your SVMCM Scholarship dashboard and recheck all the data. If the K2 year is available there, then don’t worry.
Sir, now I am in PG 3rd semester and I applied fresh with my graduation final year marksheet, is this granted for K3 application…
Hello Samima, you cannot apply as a Fresh candidate for this scholarship. Only 1st Semester students are eligible.
Respected Sir/Mam, Ami M.Sc 3rd sem er student.. 2018 e graduation pass korechi ..kintu marksheet pete let hoai jnno m.sc te admission hoi amar December mase.totodin 2018 er k3 er date expired hoe geachilo.. akhn ami jodi k3 apply kori tahole graduation er results er upor korbo na m.sc er results er upor ??? Jodi graduation er results er upor kori 2018 tahole amake reason for apply option ta debe okhane ami thik ki valud reason dobo ?? Please help ami kicchu bujhte parchina ki korbo… Please reply korben please..
Thank you.
Hi sir, Ami UG course er jonno private college e admission niyechi tahole ki Ami k3 Apply korte parbo.
Hello Puja, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship only for PG course students only.
Sir,amar graduation er honours e 40%,but honours+pass =43% but honours+pass+ compulsory subjects=46% numbers a6a. Ami akhon msc ta admission nia6i. Ami ki k3 er jonno eligible?
Probably you are eligible to apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Contact once with your Institution for confirmation.
Sir / mam ami aparna ami aei bochor e pass korechi graduation English honours 52 % ami rbu University te corresponding MA te vorti hochi ami ki kono scholarship pete pari??? Ami ki K3 appply korte pari???
Hello Aparna, Kanayshree K3 Scholarship not available for Distance / Correspondence course.
k3 renewal krte gale ki k2 I’d ta lagbei??…..ami na k2 er I’d ta hariye felechi pls help me.
Hello Chandra, K2 id is not require for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship renewal. You just need the previous year SVMCM Application ID and password.
Hi sir ami bijaya mondal ami k3 er jonno apply korbo but k2 te amr SBI bank er ac deoa chilo but ami ac ta nei akhon tahole central bank er ac number diye ki kora jabe?
Hello Bijaya, yes you can change your Bank details for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. You can do so at the time of K3 Scholarship Online Registration.
Hlw sir Ami k3 online fill up kore6I bt bank details er step e dekh6I ifsc code vul ache …r seta change kora o jacchena…apni kindly bolben Ami ekhn ki krbo?
Hello Moumita, contact your current Institution and request them to unlock the application form. After that you can edit the application form.
Sir, ekhane present course of study te jadavpur university r nam nei ,ami jadavapur university r student . Please help me sir…
Respected Sir,
Ami Calcutta University theke English Honours niye 2019 sale mean ei year e graduation pass korechhi.Ami ekhn distance Rabindra bharati University te M.A course er admission niyechhi. But amr graduation er marks achhe honours paper e 42% and general papers e 45% so ami ki K3 er jnno applicable? And as u replied on Sangita Hazra’s mail that she also can apply for this scheme. So amio ki pabo amr ei number ? Plz reply
Distance course students are not eligible to apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarships. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully.
Hi this is Amrita mondal, I have completed my graduation in 2017 then I have pursued B.ed, during two years 2017 – 2019, so can I be eligible to apply k3 in this season 2019 – 2020? please help me to be aware about that.
Hello Amrita, you cannot apply for Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. Students who passed their UG Exam on 2018 or 2019, can only apply for this scholarship.
Sir ami kanyashree k3 r jonno apply kore diye6i , 15 days hoye ge6e kntu akhono “Head of Institute ” certificate jeta download krte hoy seta akhono dekha66e na …ai bapare ki6u blte parben ??
Hello Ayesha, Head of Institute certificate ei year theke ar proyojon nei. Complete process Online.
Sir ami 2019 a M.sc te admission niye6i..Amr university West bengal university of health sciences..Ami K3 form fill up korte giye dekhi amr university and college er kono name nei..Tahole ki ami K3 pabo na???
Contact with your University or contact with SVMCM helpdesk. They can help you better regarding this issue.
Resected Sir…..Ami ai year ai PG course ar student…Ami clg theke regular a PG course korchi.. Ami akhon jodi K3 scholarship ar jonne apply kori then Ami jodi kichu din por University te transfer hoye jai Tahole ki Ami clg theke apply korar por o university transfer holew scholarship ta ki pabo??? In future K3 renewal ar jonne ki kono problem create hote pare??? according to you amar ki kora utchis sir akhon?????? Pls reply
Hello Riya, wait a few more days. At first transfer to the University and after that apply for this Kanayshree K3 Scholarship. The application process will continue upto 15th November.
Sir ami MAC english houners korchi.
Amar graduation e overall total pass marks 50% marks chilo .and sudhu houners subject e 43% no chilo
Ami ki eligible for k3 scholership??
Pls ans me sir
Sir ami B.Sc. 53% marks niye pass kore6i ekhon PG course kor6i ami ki k3 pabo?
If you follow all the eligibility criteria, then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. All the details are mentioned above.
Sir ami k3 r form fillup korechi kintu form ta submit korar por print copy te dekhlam K2 r year ta otheni.kintu ami protomei k2 2017-18 year ar id diyei registration korechi kintu oi year ta pore ar dekhacche na print eo aseni ota ki kono asubidha hobe??
Hello Diti, contact to your current institution and request them to unlock your Kanyashree K3 Application Form.After that, you can edit the Application and add the K2 id year.
hello sir, amar graduation a honours subject a 43% no achhe. honours r compulsory overall 47.3% no achhe. ami ki k3 scholarship er jonno eligible ?
Hello sangita, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship scheme.
Hello Sahin, contact to the helpline phone number regarding this issue. We don’t have any information.
sir ami 44.50 payachi r regular master korchi ami ki apply korte parba plzz janaben
Hello Layla, minimum 45% marks required to apply for this scholarship. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully.
Sir Ami k3 er password ta khuje parchhhi na . Sir ei password chhara ki k3 er from ta renewal kra Jane na?
Hello Kanik, use this link to reset your Kanyashree K3 Password,
Ami 2017 te B.sc Honours pass korar por b.ed kore6i akhan M.sc te Admission niye6i ami k2 2014 te peye6i ami ki k3 pabo…??
Hello Chandana, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Only UG 2018 and 2019 passed girls students are eligible to apply.
Ami 2018-19 session e graduation cmplt krechi.akhn M.A..te admission hoyechi.but Ami 1st year k3 frm ta fill up krte parini personal prblm er jnno.ami akhn 2nd year e porchi.ami ki k2 er ID diye k3 frm ta fill up krte pari?plz reply dile khub valo hoy.thnk you.
Hello Shilpi, you cannot apply for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship now. Only 1st year PG course students are eligible to apply.
ami ager bochor kichu karon bosoto pg te admission niyni… e bochor niyechi…. ami k2 r taka peye6i kintu jakhon e bochor k3 er jonno form fill up kor6ilam okhane ekta option dichchhilo ‘apply for reason’ bole ota te ami ki documents upload korbo jodi ektu kindly bolen…
Sir actualy i mistake K2 application year.I change it.How it’s possible?
Hello Reshmi, contact to your Institution and request them to unlock your application form. After that you can edit and make corrections on your Kanyashree K3 Scholarship Application form.
Sir ami renewal ki ki documents joma korbo renewal from ta ki college principal signature korte hobe na ota college joma kore dibe online center ar renewal from ta kono documents Scan korte hobe
The complete renewal application process is mentioned on this article – Click Here.
Respected sir . Ami ananya. Ami 2017 te graduation pass kre B.Ed kre6i. 2019 e m.sc regular e admission niye6i.k2 Id a6e. K3 apply krte parbo ???
Hello Ananya, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Only 2019 or 2018 Graduation passed girls’students are eligible to apply.
Sir actually I had done a mistake when I fill up the form.. unfortunately i filled the wrong year of my secondary examination and wrong post office..what can I do? please tell me
Hello Ananya, contact to your current school/college and request them to unlock your application. After that you can edit your SVMCM scholarship application.
Sir Ami swami vivekananda scholarship and oasis post matric 2to krte parbo??
Ha, apply korte parbe.
ami akhon M.A 1st yr a vorti hoye6i.. Ami k2 form fillup kore6ilam but amr application id ta khuje pa66i na so Ami ki k3 form fill up krte parbo..?? Application I’d ta kivabe abar paoya jay aktu bolben pls…
Hello Susmta, tumi je Institute theke k2 Scholarship er jonno apply kore chile. Sekhane contact koro. Sekhan thek tumi tomar K2 id number pete paro.
Just I’d no ta holei hobe to?? Kono receipt copy lagbe ki??
Yes, just K2 id number thaklei K3 Scholarship er jonno online application kora jabe. Kono receipt copy lagbe na.
Sir ami renewal ki ki documents joma korbo renewal from ta ki college principal signature korte hobe na ota college joma kore dibe online center ar renewal from ta kono documents Scan korte hobe
Respected Sir/Madam Ami Mousumi Dutta.Sir ami K3 fillup korechi kintu HOI form ta download ar kno option dekhane na ki korbo? Ami Swami Vivekananda Scholarship r fillup korte parbo Sir Please Kindly reply..
Hello Mousumi, HOI er verification form ei year theke download korte hobe na. Tai oi option ta online application form e nei.
Thank U sir… Sir ami ki K3 ar sathe Bikash vaban scholarship apply korte parbo?
No, you can apply only one scholarship either Kanyashree K3 Scholarship or Swami Vivekananda Scholarship.
Sir ami k3 from ar passward vula ar ph number ta hariya felachi tahole akhon ki korbo ami plz aktu bolben
Sir Ami k3 and oasis post metric form eksonge fill up krte pari.
Hello Sagarika, yes you can apply both the scholarship.
Sir marks konta debo?? Pass and compulsory milie total marks?? naki sudhu honors er total marks?? Plz help sir
Sir, at the time of form fill up instead of including only Honours marks, I include my Overall marks(including pass and copulsory paper) ..is it created any problem?
Hello Riya, visit to your University and contact with the Person, who control the SVMCM Scholarship department. Request him/her to unlock your application so that you can edit it.
K2 I’d ta ki update korata hoba ??
Naki agar ta deai hoba sir?
Hello Leon, ager K2 Id number ta delei hobe.
Hello SUCHISMITA, HOI Certificate ei year proyojon nei.
Sir, “Head of the Instituion Varification Certificate” ki ei bochor theke korate hobe na?
Hello Nisha, yes HOI Certificate upload korte hobe na.
Sir jader graduation 4year e complete hoe6e tara ki k3 apply korte parbe
Hello Devsmita, yes they can also apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
In my clg faculty said that i have to need 45% in just honurse sibject .
Thats why i want to know what i need
45%in houners
Or 45% in overall pass marks
Pls pls pls reply …
Bclecause clge give last day today to fill up the form …
So pls ans me
If your college authorities said that you have to score 45% in Honours, then you have to score that specific percentage on the Honours subject.
Sir i am a MA 3rd semester student …so i have to renew my k3….but the starting date of the renewal is 11.9.2019….but the closing or the last date of renewal is not decared…may i know the last date of k3 renewal ?
Hello Susmita, there is no official notification regarding the last date of Kanayshree K3 Scholarship renewal. But we can expect it will continue upto June 2020.
Ami amar University r roll no ’74’ er bodole ’47’ diye felechi .. eta ki vabe thik korbo plzz ..janan…
Hello Suchismita, visit to your University and contact with the Person, who control the SVMCM Scholarship department. Request him/her to unlock your application so that you can edit it.
Sir..Ami 2014 te hs diyechi then d.ed korechi & d.ed clj theke k2 apply kore 25000 o peyechi 2016te..ekhn graduation complete kore m.a te admission niyechi regular mood e ekhn ki Ami k3 apply korte parbo?? Plz reply
Hello Shilpa, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship for your current MA course.
Sir/madam, Ami ki k3 &Vivekananda scholarship duto eksathe apply krte pari? Naki j kono ektai apply krte hobe?? K1 form er I’d tai a6e ota diyei ki k3 kora jabe??
Hello Shilpa, tumi jekono ekta scholarship apply korte parbe. Hoi Kanyashree K3 Scholarship or Swami Vivekananda Scholarship.
Sir, ami K2 payachi. But Kanyashree I’d kotha thaka pabo ? Bank passbook a j no thaka K2 r taka dhuka6ilo setai ki I’d ??
Hello Aritri, tumi je institution theke Kanayshree K2 scholarship er jonno apply kore chile, sekhane contact koro. Sekhane, K2 Records thakte pare.
Hello sir Ami Arunita Bar…. amr date of birth 18-11-1996 …. *ami 2017 te graduation pass korechi* …. 2015 er 1st year 25000 taka kanyashree peyechilam…. 2017 te graduation(Bengali honours 51%) pass korar por ami 2017-2019 session e b.ed ( WBUTTEPA) korechi…erpor ami 2019-2021 session e regular M.A te admission niyechi….ami ki ekhon Kanyashree k3 form fill up korte parbo ….
Q(1).2017 er por 2019 regular m.a korchi …. amk drop out candidate dhora hobe ?? and drop out holeo ki k3 form fill up korte parbo??
Q(2)Kanyashree k3 er ki kono age limitation ache???
kindly inform me as soon as possible…
Hello Arunita, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship, as you took admission on B.Ed course after completing your Graduation and then took admission on Postgraduate Course. Students must obtain at graduation level 45% marks in aggregate from Institutions of this State in the year 2019 are eligible to apply.
Sir amr graduation e 62.5% marks ache. Ami k3 form fill up korle aikyashree form fill up korte parbo? Please help me
Hello Saniya, yes you can apply for both the Aikyashree and Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
আমার K2 ID নেই, আমি আগে কখনও k1,K2 আবেদন করিনি, আমি M. Sc Admission নিয়েছি। আমি কি K3 আবেদন করতে পারবো?
K2 id na thakle, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship er jonno apply kora jabe na.
What is the essential requirements for applying kanyashree k3 renewal???
Hello Mousumi, all the details are mentioned above. Read the post carefully.
Sir Ami bengali te graduation kore bhu te ma er admission niye6i.. Ami ki k3 te apply korte parbo?
Hello sir. Ami sumita samanta . Sir akhne from fillup a Registration no. Chaoa hoye6e..kontar registration no dite hobe?? Aro 1ta prosno hlo – k2 jei year a hoye6e sei year tai ki dite hobe
Hello Sumita, your Kanyashree K2 id number is required to apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Hello Sir, I’m Mousumi Mukherjee from. I got k2. Now I’m a student of 5th sem of computer science. Can I apply k3 scholarship ?
Hello Mousumi, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship only for Post Graduate (MSc, MA & MCom) students. At first, complete your college and took admission on Postgraduate, then you can apply for this scholarship.
Sir 2019 er apply kabe suru hbe
New application will start from September 2019.
Sir/madam ami hs pass korechi.ami NETAJI OPEN UNIVERSITY te vorti hote chaichi.ami NSOU te vorti hole ki K2 Registration kora jabe K3 er jonnyo.Jodi hoy ki vabe hobe? Ar na hole ki koronio? K2 er ki hobe? Pls: help me.
Hello Shampa, current Kanyashree Scholarship not available for Open University / Distance Course pursing students. So, you cannot apply. Read the above eligibility guidelines carefully.
Sir/ madam Ami bsc pass course a por66i 4th semester (2nd yr) complete hlo 5th sem a admission nye66i ami ki k3 scholarship ar jonno apply krte pri? K3 apply Jodi kora jy toh Kobe theke kora jbe
Hello Priyanka, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. This scholarship only for PG (MA, M Sc, M Com) students.
Sir,Ami ug te 44%payechi.MA ragular te admission hoachi.Ami ki K3 apply korte parbo??
Hello Keya, according to the official notification 45% number in UG is required to apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship on PG course. So, you cannot apply.
Hello sir ami ami distance e M. A korchi..
Rabindra varti university theke..To ami ki vivekanand scholarship ta fill up korte parbo? Plz reply
Hello Aparna, you cannot apply for Swami Vivekananda Scholarship. Only regular course students are eligible to apply.
Sir /madam ..ami geography hounours porchi ebar 3rd semester e uthlam…age kanyasshre peyechi 25,000…amio ki k3 er jonno apply korte parbo? Taratari janaben..r kobe theke start hobe and last date janaben
Hello Bonolina, yes you can apply for Kanyashree K3 renewal. The renewal application will start from the last week of September 2019.
Sir Ami 54% education Hons niye graduate hoiyechi 2019. Akhon Ami open University te bhorti hobo bhabchi Ami ki K3 pabo?
Hello Rimpi, you cannot apply for Kanyashree k3 scholarship, as you are pursuing your PG Course form an Open University. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully.
Hello sir
I am saniya.ami 2019 a graduation complete korechi. Bengali honours. 62.5% Marks ache. Ami k3 korle r kono scholarship er jonno apply korte parbo ki? Amr OBC caste certificate ache. K3 karar port sarkari or besarkari r ki ki scholarship er jonno apply korte pari? Please help me
Hello Saniya, jodi tumi Kanyashree K3 scholarship er jonno apply koro, tarpor tumi onnoyo private ngo er scholarship er jonno apply korte parbe, in fact you can apply for WB OASIS scholarship also.
Sir ,
Ami 1year gap dia chilm ami next year apply korte parbo?
Hello Trishita, you cannot apply for this scholarship, as you dropped one year.
Sir form fill up korar somoy j total marks ta include korte hobe seta ki sudhu 3rd year er total(including EVS) marks include korte hobe? na 1st, 2nd and 3rd – 3 te year er result ei include korte hobe? R 3 te year er ei include korte hole ki compulsory paper gulou add korbo??
Thank you sir
Sir, k3 r taka ta kon maser moddhe dhoke?
Within 3 to 4 months after applying for this scholarship.
Hello sir /madam, Ami ai year a West Bengal thake graduation complete korechi but Ami M.A(regular) te admission hoachi West Bengal ar baire. Sir Ami ki kanyashree K3 ar jonno apply Korte pabo?Amar K2 ar Id ache.sir,please reply me.
Hello Baisakhi, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Hello sir
Ami ei year admission niyechhi M.A te .. amar k2 er scholarship pawa hoye gechhe.. k3 er jonno apply korte chai.. kintu sob jaygay dekhachhe registration closed.. 2019 er regestration kivabe korbo r kobe theke start please bolun…
Hello Sandeepa, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship 2019 er online application September 2019 theke start hobe.
sir, UG te sudhu honours a jodi 45% marks na thake . Overall jodi 45% marks hoy tahole ki se k3 form apply korte parebe ?
Hello Sangita, yes overall 45% number thakle se apply korte parbe.
Sir amr overall 50.
% a6e tahole ki korte parbo.naki sudu honours lagbe 45%
hello sir, UG te 45 % marks jodi na thake , reserve category der jonno ki kono marks relaxed hobe na ??
Hello Sangita, there is no marks relaxation available for Reserved category candidates on Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir, I have passed B. Com this year with 60% marks from cu..and I’ve applied for m. Com..When can I apply for k3 scholarship? When will the next k3 application process start online?
The online application for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship will start from September 2019.
sir ami 65%ug a palam akhon m.a korchi ami ki aply korte pari
Tomar jodi Kanyashree K2 id thake tahole tumi Kanyashree K3 Scholarship er jonno apply korte paro.
Sir id mane college theka diba to
Last year tumi Kanyashree K2 scholarship er jonno apply korechile, tokhon tomake ekta Id number diyechilo. Seta K3 Scholarship application er somoy proyojon.
Sir, what the marks that we include during the form fill up?? Only overall of honors marks?? Or overall of Honours,Pass and Compulsory marks??
Hello Tina, add your Honours, pass Subjects and Compulsory subjects marks to apply for this Scholarship.
Hi sir, Ami Triyasha Paul .Ami makaut University under a medical imagging technology course korchi .Ami ki K3 apply korta parbo??
Read the above Eligibility Guidelines carefully.
Sir, amar sister B.A. admission hoyeche 2019 a tahole siater ki k3 from apply korte parbe.
Kanyashree K3 Scholarship ta only for University (M.A) students.
Sir , ami bsc complt korechi 68 %mark nie ami jodi bikash vaban scalarship apply kori ami ko k3 apply korte parbo????
Hello sir, I’m Annesha , pursuing my post-graduation from distance learning in West Bengal ….sir am I eligible for K3? I have received k2 also
Distance course Students cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Hello sir.. Ami samapti.. Amr prosno holo j ami 2018 te graduation complete korechi.. Amar marks 61% kintu amr kichu problm thakar jonno ami M. a te admission nite pari ni.. Tii 2019 e m. A te admission nebo. Tobe ki ami kaynashree k3 schoolership apply korte parbo??
Sir…im doing mbbs from semi-government college…im resident of west bengal can i apply for k3 scheme….please sir i need help …please reply
Hello Shyamali, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship is for the Postgraduate students. MBBS is a Undergraduate course. So you cannot apply. You can apply for Kind Scholarship for Young Women 2019 Apply Online now.
Ami Master of physical education ( m. P. Ed) porci. Ami ki k3 er jonno apply korta parbo?
Hello Rita, if you have Kanyashree K2 id then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship for your current PG Course.
Respected sir..ami k2 peyechilm 12 er por.tokhn k1 er application id ta cheyechilo..satai ki k2 er id?jeta further k3 er jnno lagbe?naki change hbe?
Hello Bidisha, your Kanyashree id number will be same on every stage. But after K3 scholarship application, you will receive an Application Number from SVMCM scholarship. It will require for renewal.
Ami MSc. Anthropology 2nd year er student.. 2017te ami k3 te apply kri & setar scholership pai…bt amr 1st year er result clear na thakai ami k3 renewal er jnne apply krte parini..Ami ti 1st year a j paper ta clear chilo tar exam diachi.. Result berbe next month a hyto… ami jante chai j ai k3 renewal er last date
kbe??kindly renewaler last date ta janale vlo hy…
Hello Puja, the last date for Kanyashree k3 scholarship not declared yet. But try to apply soon, as the application will close shortly.
I am a student of M.A Englishregular, student of Rishi Bankim Chandra College aff by West Bengal State University. I renewed my k3 application in december. My other friends who are renewed their application for k3 were get their scholarship but still I can’t get my scholarship. My k3 id is WBK1715xxxxxx17. If there is any mistake from me pls inform me and please help me to get this scholarship. Thank you.
Hello Sayani, you can check your Kanyashree K3 application status by visiting this website,
and after that login with your application number and password. You can check your scholarship application status from the dashboard.Respected Sir ,
Ami vidyasagar university theke graduation complete kore6i Eng hons niye 2018 e..ami amr saririk asusthotar Jonno 2018 e m.a admision hoini.ami 2019 e m.a admission hobo.ami ki 2019 e k3 er Jonno apply korte parbo ?please bolun sir..
Hello Soumita, if you have Kanyashree K2 id, then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully.
Hlw sir/ madam… ami firoja ,ami 2018 te graduation complete kore M.A regular e admission niye6i ,ami k2 taka peye6i.ami 2018 te 1st e burdwan university er under e bolpur college e vorti hye6ilam,diye ami k3 ta kore6i seta bolpur collge er name.k3 krar por ami abar kalna college e vorti hye6i.jehetu bolpur clz e ami porbona ,kalna clz e porbo.tai ami renewal krar somoi ki krbo?please tell me.
Hello Firoja, as you changed your college, you have to contact to the SVMCM Scholarship helpline 1800-102-8014 and request them to update your details.
Sir ami k3 renewal korar somoi ki SVMCM scholarship help line e call krbo? Na akhoni help line e call krbo?
Hello Firoja, call now to the helpline and inform them about the changes of your college.
Sir, ami help line no e phone kore6ilam , amake department e giye katha bolte bollen, amar abar 1din agay 1st installment er taka dhukeche. Tahole ami renewal korar jonno ki korbo?please tell me .
Contact to the department, as the advice to you on the phone.
K3 form er renewal date koto tarikh
Hello Monami, SVMCM not published the renewal dates for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship till now. But it will be closed very soon, so renew as soon as possible.
Respected sir/madam,
Ami N.B.U er under e, 1st year e porcci..science r student,..kanyashree k1,k2 from fill up korte pari ni..family income besi howar jonno…February ,2018 te ami 19 e porbo…akhon ki ami kanyashreer kono scheme er jonno abedon korte parbo???
Hello Sucharita, no you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 scholarship, as you don’t have any Kanyashree K2 id number. For more scholarships details you can visit Scholarships Page
Sir ami ei year e k3 renewal krbo. K3 fresh application er somoye ubi te account chilo. To ubi pnb er sathe emerged hoar jnno ifsc code change hoeche. Ami k3 renewal form fillap er somoy ki new ifsc code ta dite parbo? Er jnno ki kono option ache online form fillap krar somoye? Thakle sei otion ta ki bolben
Ami 2018 te graduation complete korlam,amar 45/ er upor no.achhe,ami jodi 2019 te apply kori tobe ki ami k3 pabona.2018 er last date ki 31 december?date ki r barano jabe na?
Hello Sanju, the last date for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship already overed. You cannot apply for this scholarship now. Till now no notification for date extend.
Ami k3 fillup kora6i but amr form a institute name Malda college na Kore university of gour banga Kore dia6a,,,Ami university te give form ta dakhale amr form rejecte Kore dia bollo ,abr form fillup korte parbo kintu Amr form fillup ho66a Na,, plz plz plz plz plz help me
Hello Urmi, as you already registered on SVMCM Scholarship Portal, you are facing this problem. Contact to the SVMCM helpline number 1800-102-8014.
Sir, I have the K2 ID.Now I am a M.A student in VU. After completing the k2 authentication I have filled up the details.Then I proceed to registration but my application ID is not generating .
Please help me.Tell me what to do.
Hello, you can chek your email, if the application Number already generated. If not, try to Register yourself once agin.
Sir ami 2017 te graduation pass kore6i but 2018 te ami msc te admission nilam ami ki k3 pabo ???
Amr ka6e k2 r id a6e ..
Hello Mridula, you cannot apply for Knayashree K3 Scholarship.Students who passed their Graduation exam on 2018 and took admission on PG Course, are only eligible to apply for this scholarship.
Kanayashree k3 sob process r por taka asbe seta kivbe janbo ???
Hello Payel, login to the SVMCM website with your Application ID and Password. There you can check your scholarship application status.
Sir ami 2017 te graduation complete korechi.2017 te IGNOU te distance a admission hoyechi.kintu oi year a k3 apply korini.ami ki ebare apply korte parbo sir?ami k2 2016 te peyechi. ID o ache.please help korun sir
Hello Payel, according to the official notification Distance/Open University students cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Read carefully the eligibility guidelines.
K1,k2 egulo te age mention ta na thkle onk gorib chatri upokrito hbe .Jehetu k3 ta k2 ple tbei poya jbe..Doya kore ektu hlp krun plzz..
Hello Chuti, Government of West Bengal, published this eligibility guidelines for K3 Scholarship. We cannot do nothing.
My name is mira pratihar i am applying kanyashree k3.but my application form is cancelled due to wrong college name.How i am applied second times.
Hello Mira, you have to contact to the Kanyashree K3 scholarship authority through this link,
and then request them to change it.K3 er jno ki graduation e all subjects pass and honours mile 45%,, na only honours paper total mile 45% marks proyojn?
Hello Meghna,candidates have to score minimum 45% marks in aggregate (including both Hons and Pass) to get the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Ami akhon bed first year.2018 te m.a complete korlam c.u theke result ber hy ni. K2 peachilama akhon ki k3 apply korte parbo? Please reply
Hello Sampa, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship not available for B.Ed students. Only M.Sc, M.A and M.Com girls students can apply for this scholarship.
Income bar thakar jonnyo ami k1 & k2 paini. . . Ekhon too income bar tule diyeche tahole ki k3 apply kora jabe. . .
Hello Bina, as you didn’t apply for Kanyashree K1 or K2, so you don’t have any ‘Kanyashree ID’ number. Without having this you cannot apply for K3 Scholarship.
Sir bl6i j amr k3 apply kra hoe g6e kntu ami B.sc r marksheet r back side ta scan krni k6u ki prblm hbe Sir? Amr applicant copy ta submit kra bki a6e
Sir bl6i j ami pry 1week age k3 apply kre6i shudhu head of the institution r copy ta submit kra bki a6e to ota ki ami pujor pr submit krte prbo? Kno prblm hbe na to?
Hello Madhumita, the last date of online application is 30th November. So you can upload the HOI Verification Certificate anytime within this date.
Sir ame kanyansree k3 application kora6e. Final submit hoyagacha but madhyamik ar Markshiter back side scan kora hoy ni. Kono problem Hoba Ke?
Hello Suparna, probably this may not create any major problem. Contact to the SVMCM Helplines once about this issue.
Respected sir/madam,ami Aparna.Graduation a amr marks 45%theke ki6uta kom a6e but now ami Calcutta University te vorti hoye6i MA er jonno.Amr financial condition ekebarei stable noy.Tai kono scholarship amr khub proyojon.Tai amr request sir /madan jodi Onno kono scholarship er babyastha take for the poor students plss 1tu bolun.
Please help me sir/madam
Hello Aparna, you can submit an application for WB Chief Minister Relief Fund Scholarship if your financial condition is very weak and you cannot apply for Kanyashree k3 scholarship.
Hello sir…jodi k1 & k2 apply na kora thakle ki k3 o apply kora jabe na?
Hello Beauty, if you not applied for K1 or K2 scholarship, then you cannot apply for K3 also.
Hlw sir……45% marks ta ki sudhu hons e thakte hbe naki pass o hons er average marks niye hbe
Hello Sagarika, 45% marks will be calculated in both Honours and Pass course subjects on aggregate.
Sir, notice-a to lekha ache any university theke pg korle abedon korte parbe, tahole distance theke ma korle abedon kora jabe na kano???
Hello Sumi, I think you did not read the official notification carefully. Here is a screenshot of the official notice, please view it.

ami 2015-16 te k2 apply korchilm.
k3 apply er jnno school a gachilam id ante but school er kache 2015-16 of nei.
BDO OFFICE eu gachi but id tader kaxeu neu
2015-16 er.
Sir ami distance a M.A admission niye6i ami ki k3 apply korte parbo?
Hello Rimpa, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. It is not for distance course students.
Sir & madam akai satha ki amra obc stiphend & k3 apply krta prbo…???
I got K3 scholarship in 2018 for M.A part -I. I applied for K3 in 2017. But How will I renewal for K3 scholarship? please say the process.
I am a student of b.ed course (2018-19)outside the district and I passed my graduation in 2017 nd i also valid k2.
Am i eligible for k3???
If yes then why there is no option for last year of passing except 2018
Hello Rasida, Kanyashree K3 Scholarship available only for Arts, Science and Commerce students. As you currently pursuing B.Ed course, you cannot apply.
Sir,I got k2 2014-15. I dropped 1 year & completed B.A in 2018.I am studing M.A SANSKRIT in C.U.Now I am trying to apply Online K3 but my k2 id is shown invalid.So I register in another option DPI(for general/PG student) without K2 ID .Will I get the scholarship ?
Hello Priyanka, you applied for Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship not for the Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. If you fulfill all the eligibility guidelines, then you will get the scholarship.
Hello sir…ami k2 ar taka payecho…but amr ID te kichu problem hyechilo….kno no mistake hyechilo bole amr taka dhukte late hyechilo…pore ami BDO off e giye thik korai…ekhn ki oi ID ta dilei hbe ???
Hello Piyali, if you took admission on PG Course then you can use your Knayashree K2 Id for apply K3 Scholarship online.
Sir ami 2017 te graduation complete korechi.2017 te vidyasagar university te distance a admission hoyechi.kintu oi year a k3 apply korini.ami ki ebare apply korte parbo sir?ami k2 2016 te peyechi. ID o ache
Hello Ambika, as you currently pursuing your Degree in Distance Mode, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Only Regular students can apply.
Sir Ami Rikta pal Ami ki svmcm o k3 both apply korte parbo.
Hello Rikta, you can only apply for one scholarship, either SVMCM or Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Hello ! I i got k2 . Now i have taken admission in MTech . I have completed msc . I am not currently in PG course . So am i eligible for k3 scholarship ?
Hello Juhi, according to the official notification, students who completed their UG course in 2018 with at least 45% and took admission on any PG course, can only apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. We advice you to contact to the helpline number for details info.
Hlw sir..I am Madhumita Sadhukhan .Apnara kichu din age comment e likheche je open or distance theke m.a korle kanyashree k3 jonno apply kra jabe but akhon bolchen Na . sthik kon ta bolben plz???? I confuse…
Hello Madhumita, till last year, open university students can apply for this scholarship. But according this new notification (2018), open University Students cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir Ami Ghatal Ravindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya theke M.A korchi regular a.
Amar graduation a 51% marks chilo.
Ami ki apply Korte pari k3 scholarship er jonno?
Hello Susmita, if you have valid Kanyashree K2 id number, then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Are both Swami Vivekanada Merit cum Means Scholarship and Kanyashree K3 Scholarship applicable for same student in 2018 ?
Hello Pinki, no you can’t apply both the scholarships. You can only apply for either SVMCM or Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir k2 id ta ki kanyashree office theke paoa jabe?
Hello Barnali, yes you may get. Contact to your previous institute, from where you applied for Kanyashree K2, they will give you the id.
Sir ami 2017 a graduation complete kare6i but ami 2017 a pg te admission hayeo session continue karini, 2018 a abar pg te admission nia6i, sir ami ki k3 scholarships pabo??? Please sir balun….
Hello Baishali, according to the official notification, only the regular students can apply for this scholarship. As you drop one year, you may not apply. But we will advice you to try once.
Thank you sir.
Sir ami ki ai yr anno kono scholarship ar jonno apply karte pari?
Hello Baishali, here is the List of Indian Scholarships for College & University Students. Read it carefully and chose the scholarship, for which you eligible.
Sir k3 apply krar jnno ki kno trnsfer crtificte, income crtificte lgbe knki ami k2 ta p6lm
Hello Madhumita, any Transfer Certificate or Income Certificate will not require for Kanyashree k3 online application.
Thank you sir.
Hello ! I got k2 . I completed msc in 2018 .And i didn’t apply k3 .Now i have taken admission in MTech . Am i eligible for k3 sholarship ??
Hello Juhi, we don’t have any information about this, please contact to your current Institution.
Sir ami 2015 te K2 scholarship peye6ilm..2016-18 te b.ed kore6i..Ekhon M.A admission hye6i Regular course e..Ami ki ekhon K3 r jonno apply korte pari????Ami amr K2 ID ta hariye fele6i..ekhon ami ki korbo???,please help me sir please…
Hello Sathi, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. The students, who passed their Graduation course in the year of 2018, can only eligible for this scholarship.
Sir Ami k1 paini bt k2 scholarship peye6i bt Ami k2 id janina.ekhn Ami netaji Subhash open university te pr6i. Ami kivabe k2 id pabo?
Hello Sumana, contact to your school/college, from where you applied for Kanyashree k2 scholarship and collect your K2 id. After that you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Can any girl apply to Kannshree form and stipend from the same? Please get a lot of benefit when I say a little….
Hello Tumi, yes you can apply for both Kanyashree and any other scholarship. But you will receive only one according to the Terms and Conditions.
Hi I m puja mondal . I take admission in m.sc in this year. But I lost my k2 ID .SO CAN APPLY ? Or is y here any way to apply it
Hello Puja, you can contact to your BDO office/school/college where you submit your application form, if they had any record, they can help you. Every district also has a Kanyashree Nodal Officer – you will find a list of all Kanyashree Nodal officers at wbkanyasrhee.gov.in
Hi puja 2mi ki konnashree Id paye6o?
Ami Rashtriya sanskrit sansthan theke MA korchi Ami 3rd semester debo
ami 2017 te k3 apply korte parini
ami ki 2018 te k3 apply korte parbo????
Hello Priti, this scholarship currently only for the students, who are studying under any University in West Bengal.
Hlw sir…
Ami burdwan university theke correspondence e m.a kor6i…K2 te 25000 peye6i….2017 te k3 apply kori…Bt akhn o kono update nei…Jara distance e m.a korche tara ki taka pabe na??
Hello Trisha, K3 Scholarship for all students- Regular and Distance Course. Login with your Application ID and Password on the svmcm.wbhed.gov.in website and check your scholarship application status.
hi sir, ami k3 application korechi but amr typing r vul r jonno application reject hoye geche r taka oh aseni ,atar jonno kannyashree r head office a giye kotha bolle ki slove hobe? R ami ki k3 renewal korte parbo?
Hello Mira, yes you can contact to the Knayshree Head office regarding this issue. They may help you regarding this.
Hlw sir……..I am Madhumita Sadhukhan.
..ami 2018 august e Ignou te m.a admission hyechi..ami ki kanyashree k3 schoolarship pete pari..
Hello Madhumita, if you have valid Kanyashree K2 id, then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
I am Malobika Das from uluberia applied for Kanyasree 3 in the year 2017. But I ve no update in my email. I can’t check my application status pls help.
Hello Malobika, visit the SVMCM website svmcm.wbhed.gov.in and login with your Application Number and Password. You can check you application status from there.
I am student of M.A in Burdwan University Distance education. I applied k3 form previous year.I will eligible for this k3 scholarship.
Hello Juma, if you have Kanyashree k2 id, then you can apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship. Read the eligibility guidelines carefully.
Hello sir…Ami 2018sale graduation pass krechi…tarpor MSc krchi..kintu sei somoi MSc te admission hobar por K3 apply kora hoi Ni ..ekhn Ami 2nd year er MSc r student Ami ki ai year e K3 apply krte parbo
Hello Anannnaya, you cannot apply for Kanyashree K3 Scholarship now. Only 2019 Graduation passed 1st year students are eligible to apply.
Hello Sir ,
k3 form online e fillup korar par ki, ro ki6u korta haba?
Online application form submit korar por, ar kono kichu korar pryojon nei.
K3 renewal er jonne duto semester er result submit korte hoy.er modhey kono 1ta semester e supply thakle ki se renewal korte parbe na?plz janaben
Hello Manisha, as per the official notification, if you got supply in any semester, then you cannot apply for SVMCM/Kanyashree K3 renewal.
Onno state er like IIT or onno Kono university te m.sc krle er jnno apply krte parbo??
Hello Pratyusha, students, who are pursuing Post Graduate courses in Science, Arts and Commerce stream from Universities of this State, only eligible for this Kanyashree K3 Scholarship.
Sir Ami WBUTEPA thke private College thke b.ed kor6i ami k2 peye6lm amr graduation e 63.25% a6e .ami ki k3 er jnyo apply krte parbo?
Hello NILANJANA, Kanyashree K3 scholarship only for Post Graduate course. B.Ed is not a PG course, so you cannot apply.