Apply Online for Aikyashree Scholarship 2024. WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 for Minority Students. West Bengal Minorities’ Department & Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) started Aikyashree Scholarship Programme for the Minorities Students in West Bengal. This is a complete Scholarship Portal for WB Minorities Students developed by WBMDFC. Apply for the Aikyashree scholarship from website.

Students can apply online for Pre Matric, Post Matric, Merit cum Means, Talent Support and SVMCM Scholarship from this Aikyashree Scholarship Portal. ঐক্যশ্রী স্কলারশিপ 2024 এর অনলাইন আবেদন পদ্ধতি। পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সংখ্যালঘু সম্প্রদায়ের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের জন্য ঐক্যশ্রী স্কলারশিপ।
Students from Class One to Ph.D from Minority Backgrounds can apply for various WB Government scholarship Schemes through this WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship Portal. The complete process is Online. Learn how to apply for West Bengal Aikyashree Scholarship 2024, and check your Aikyashree Scholarship application status.
Aikyashree Scholarship Information Chart
Here is some important information about WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship for West Bengal Minority students. Simply go through it and know the basic information about this West Bengal Government scholarship scheme.
Scholarship Name | Aikyashree Scholarship |
Distributed by | WBMDFC |
Eligible Students | Minority Community |
Scholarship Category | Pre Matric, Post Matric, SVMCM, TSP |
Eligible Courses | Class I to Ph.D Course |
Application Start | June 2024 |
Application Close | March 2025 |
Objectives of Aikyashree Scholarship Scheme
The main objective of WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship Scheme is to encourage the minority communities to send their children to school and to prevent dropout. This scheme also helps students to continue their higher education, increasing their employability potential.
Students can easily apply online for various Minority Scholarship schemes directly through this Aikyashree Online Portal, without any problem. Students will get the scholarship amount fast.
- List of Scholarships for West Bengal Madhyamik & HS Passed Students
- Apply Online for WB SC, ST, OBC Scholarship Scheme Now
WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship Schemes
West Bengal Minorities Development & Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) is providing the following scholarship schemes through Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Portal. Students can apply for these government scholarship Schemes.
- WB Pre Matric Scholarship
- WB Post Matric Scholarship
- WB Merit cum Means Scholarship
- WB Talent Support Scholarship
- Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (SVMCM)
All these Scholarships available only for West Bengal Minorities students, studying in any Institution in West Bengal and these schemes can apply Online from Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Portal.
WB Pre Matric Scholarship
Meritorious students from Class-I to Class-X can apply Online for WBMDFC Pre Matric Scholarship from Aikyashree Portal. Applicant must be a permanent resident of West Bengal and passed the Previous Examination with at least 50% marks.
WB Post Matric Scholarship
Minority Students, who are currently studying from Class-XI to Ph.D course, are eligible to apply for WBMDFC Post Matric Scholarship. The candidate must have secured at least 50% marks or equivalent grade in the previous exam. Then we’ll family information should not exceed ₹ 2 lakh. The eligible courses for Aikyashree post-matric scholarship are,
- Higher Secondary
- Diploma
- Undergraduate
- Postgraduate
- M.Phil
- B.Ed
WBMDFC Merit cum Means Scholarship
Students who took admission in technical/professional courses (Engineering, Medical, Management, Law, CA etc) are eligible for the WBMDFC Merit cum Means Scholarship. Applicant must have passed the Higher Secondary / Graduation Examination with at least 50% marks. The applicant’s annual income should not be more than ₹ 2.5 lakh.
WB Talent Support Programme (TSP) Scholarship
This stipend is awarded to students who have passed their last final examination with less than 50% marks and He/She is continuing studies class XI to Ph.D (except for professional and technical courses). The applicant must be a permanent resident of West Bengal and annual family income of upto ₹ 2 lakh.
WBMDFC SVMCM Scholarship
Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship for Minorities is given to meritorious minority students for pursuing studies from class XI to Postgraduate in Regular courses including Diploma (Polytechnic) and Diplomacy in Pharmacy. The applicant must be a permanent resident of West Bengal and his/her annual family income must be within ₹ 2.5 lakh.
WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Online Application
The complete application process for Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 is Online. Minority Students from Class I to Ph.D can apply for Government scholarship Schemes through this Scholarship Portal. Know the complete Online Application Process for WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship 2024. The complete online application process is given below.
Student Registration
Visit the WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship website, and New Registration or Student Registration button available on the website. Then fill the Student Registration form by providing your Name, District, Guardian’s Name, DOB, Mobile Number, Email and Bank Account Number. Now click on the SUBMIT AND PROCESSED button.

Scheme Eligibility
Now you have to enter your Current Institution Name, Address, Percentage of Marks obtained in the Last Examination, and Annual Family Income. Then click on the SUBMIT AND PROCESSED button.
Registration Successful
After providing all this information, you see the Scholarship Name, for which you are eligible. You also get a Temporary user ID for your scholarship application. Check your email, User Id and Password will send here.
Student’s Login
Now login to the website using your User Id and Password and complete the scholarship application process. Fill all the information under ‘Basic Information’ & ‘Academic Information’ section. Verify your bank account information.
Final Submit
Before Lock your Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 application, you can see a preview of the Application Form and all the details information you already provided. If all the information is correct then lock your application.
Take Print Out and Submit for Verified
After completing all these steps, take a print out the computer-generated application form. Sign on it and attached the required documents with it. Then submit this application form to the head of your institution for further verification.

Apply Online for WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Scheme – Click Here
Read More, Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Renewal – Last Date & Documents
Candidates Selection Process
The Scholarships will be provided to eligible to students order of merit and the family income of the applicant. For renewal, the applicant will be eligible for the scholarship if he/she has obtained 50% marks in his/her previous Examination. Students can check their Aikyshree Scholarship 2024 Online Application Status from the website by login with their Application Id and Password.
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Check Aikyashree Scholarship Application Status
Applicants can easily check their Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 Online Application status. At first, visit the official website of Aikyashree Scholarship i.e., and then click on the Student Login option. Select your Institution district and login with your Username and Password.
From the Scholarship dashboard, you can quickly check your current application status. If you will find any defect/rejection on your application you can make the correction on it using Defected Application button.
The Last Date for receiving the online application for POST MATRIC, MCM, TSP & SVMCM scholarships is March 2025.
Read More, Apply online for MOMA Scholarship 2024 for Minority Students
Aikyashree Scholarship Application Steps
Here is a video presentation about how to fill the Aikyashree Scholarship Application Form Online and other important steps.
Aikyashree Scholarship Helpline
Students can contact the WBMDFC Helpline for Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 through this WhatsApp Number – 8017071714 or can call at 18001202130 (Toll-Free), 033-4047468 phone numbers.
Aikyashree Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the last to apply for Aikyshree Scholarship 2024?
The Last to apply for WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship is March 2025 for Post Matric, MCM & TSP and December 2024 for SVMCM Scholarship. Students must have to register themselves within this time period.
Who can apply for Aikysahree Scholarship?
Only Minority Students from these communities, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain and Parsee can apply for this scholarship. Candidates must read in class One to the PhD course.
Does 2nd Year College students can apply for fresh scholarships?
No. Only students who took admission in 1st year of any UG or PG Course can apply for this scholarship scheme. Although 2023 passed students can apply for SVMCM Scholarship, he/she has to provide a valid reason for that.
What is the minimum Percentage required for Aikyashree Scholarship Scheme?
For Pre-Matric, Post-Matric & Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship, candidates must have to pass with minimum 50% marks on their last annual exam. For the Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means (SVMCM) Scholarship scheme, candidates have to pass with 75% marks in Madhyamik or HS (for HS, Polytechnic, Honours), 53% mars in Honours (for Post Graduate course) and 55% marks in BE/B.Tech (for M.Tech Course). Below 50% marks for WBMDFC Tallent Support Scholarship scheme.
I am studying outside West Bengal, can I apply for this scholarship scheme?
If you are studying from any of these Institutions – IIT, IIM, NIT, NIFT, IFFT, then you can apply for Aikyashree Scholarship. Otherwise, you cannot apply for this scholarship if you are studying for any institution outside WB.
Does Distance Mode from Open University / Open School students are eligible for this Scholarship?
According to the official guidelines and notification, students who are pursuing their course from any open University or from any open school or in Distance Mode, cannot apply for this scholarship. Only Regular students are eligible to apply.
When I will receive my Aikyshree Scholarship amount and how?
Aikyshree Scholarship amount will start distribution from December 2024. Students will get the amount directly to their Bank account, mentioned at the time of Online Application.
What is the Aikyshree Scholarship Amount?
The scholarship amount will vary course to course for Aikyashree Scheme. Rs 1,100 to 11,000 per year for Pre-matric Students (Class I to X). Rs 10,200 to 16,500 per year for Post-matric students (Class XI to PhD). Rs 22,000 to 33,000 per year for Merit cum Means Scholarship (Technical and Professional course students). Rs 12,000 to 60,000 per year for Swami Vivekananda Merit cum Means Scholarship (SVMCM). Rs 2,500 to 4,900 per year under Tallent Support Scholarship scheme.
Read More, এই লেখাটি সম্পূর্ন বাংলায় পড়তে এখানে ক্লিক করুন
Do share this Scholarship Information on your Social Media to help others. You can post your query regarding WBMDFC Aikyashree Scholarship 2024 in the below comment box also.
When we get scholarship amount of 2022??
Hello Roshni, the complete verification process will take 3-4 months. After that you will receive the scholarship amount.
Thank you for the information….
Can you say in which month we can get the scholarship?
Hello Roshni, the Aikyashree scholarship amount distribution may start from October – November after completing all the verifications.
Sir, I am studying in 3rd semester.I have applied SVMCM scholarship in first year but my application form is not verified yet from institute although I have submitted my all documents on the time. Can I apply renewal or as a fresh for SVMCM or apply for Post matric scholarship in this year?
Sir ami MCA er student session 2021-22 Amar status awaiting for lot generation dekhacche akhono. Ki korbo Bolen please
Hello Ghulam, your Aikyashree scholarship application is approved and you will receive the scholarship amount within 1-2 months on your bank account.
Hello sir
I want to pursue m.ed and have completed b.ed but when m applying it’s stuck in 2nd stage showing current institution please wait not able go next step .pls help
Hello sir,
Ami aikyashree scholarship 2021_20211 e form fill up korechi Kintu Amr account no r bank details change korte Chai… Kikore korbo Sir… Ager Ta Change hoe gache Tai…. Akono lock korini tai application….. Kikore Change korbo Sir… Ektu bole din
Contact to the Aikyashree scholarship helpdesk through phone call or email.
Awaiting for LOT GENERATION Dekhacche sir
স্যার আমি ২০১৯-২০ সালে ঐক্যশ্রী স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ মেরিট কাম মিন স্কলারশিপ আবেদন করেছিলাম কিন্তু ২০১৯-২০ সালের টাকা এখনও পাইনি সেই জন্য ২০২০-২১ সালের এখনও আবেদন করতে পারিনি এখন কি আমি ২০২০-২১ সালের renewal করবো ,না ২০২১-২২ এর আবেদন করবো স্যার ? বললে খুব উপকৃত হতাম এখন উপায় কি ? কারণ WBMDFC অফিস ২০২০-২১ এর ও ২০২১-২২ এর renewal করার জন্য নতুন option দিয়েছে । আমার ২০২২ সালে কলেজ শেষ হয়ে যাচ্ছে। তাহলে কি আমি এই বছর ২০২০-২১ ও ২০২১-২২ দুটো ই কি এক সাথে আবেদন করতে পারবো ? না শুধু ২০২০-২১ সালের ই শুধু এই বছর renewal করতে পারবো?
Hello sir,
Ami 2020 te 1st yr r apply korechilam he r result diye….. Kintu 2021 e 2nd yr r apply korte giye 1st yr r result beroini Tai apply korte parini… Defected Kore diechilo…. Akon ki r Renew kora Jbe?
Ami korte gelam Kintu hoche na
You cannot apply renewal for Aikyashree scholarship now.
Sir Thle ki r apply kortei parbona?
Sir r ki Thle Ami apply korte parbona?
You can re-submit defected application in the portal after editing or apply fresh if (when) result is published. You can withdraw application by log in your account and apply fresh also. Last date is 15-12-2021.
Hi! My institution is unfortunately not listed in the website. Is there any other way (like a PDF or something) that I can fill up and send it?
Hello Aman, visit the CONTACT US section on the Aikyashree scholarship portal and then call/email to the respective authority regarding the institution list for this scholarship.
My previous year money for scholership is in under process . Can I apply a renewal form now ? Renewal application doesn’t on last year application?
Can i apply Aikyashree scholarship in 3rd year
Hello Suraj, you cannot apply freshly for the Aikyashree scholarship in the 3rd year. If you already applied in previous years, then you can only renew now.
hello sir , i am transfer from B.A to B.A LLB so can you please suggest me what should i do for continuation of my akiyashree schoolarship .
Hello Aiman, you have to contact WBMDFC Helpdesk to change your stream on the scholarship application form.
Can i apply for this scholarship as I’m currently in 3rd year am,inside bengal.
Hello Daryen, you cannot apply as a fresh applicant for the Aikyashree scholarship scheme. If you already applied in your 1st year, only then you can apply for renewal.
Sor I am md Sartaz Alam , yesterday I received my post matric scholarship but the amount is very less,the amount is only 3070 ruppess…
Hello Sartaz, the scholarship amount of the Aikyashree scholarship depends upon your current course and its expenses. Check the Aikyashree scholarship portal once.
Sir,I am Prakriti Tamang,I have applied Aikyashree Scholarship and it has been verified by district and state level but it’s showing Awaiting for LOT generation since month,so many of my friends have already got their money ,and I haven’t till now ,
Any information about that? when will be a Lot generated?
Hello Prakriti, the complete process will take some time. So, you have to wait for the finance department LOT generation. After that you will get your scholarship amount on your bank account.
Merom same case vai rako cha
Sir ami 3rd year(6th sem) a por6i.. Ami college a vortir por svmcm kre6ilm(hs result diye) tarpor r renewal kra hoini… Amar r svmcm hobe na sun6i.. Ami ki post metric scholarship apply krte parbo 3rd/4th/5th sem result diye???
Hello Rini, as you not applied for SVMCM Scholarship renewal on your 2nd year, you cannot apply for renewal now.
I am a B.Pharm Student, Got 83.8 Percent in HS Last year I filled up the Aikyashree Form As they said that all Minority should fill up Aikyashree only and because of above 75% it automatically went Under SVMCM my many hindu friends got 60K in SVMCM so will I get the same amout or not!?
Hello sir i have applied for aikyashree scholarship.It is showing approved from the college and district but it is showing awaiting bank response.What to do sir??
Hello sir i applies for MCM scheme for cma professional course, and till the date there is no changes in status after being verified from institute level
Please help me where i need to contact
Hello Shamsher, wait few more days for an update. You can check your application status from the SVMCM Scholarship portal.
I have seen my status on MCM I’d is “AWAITING FOR BANK RESPOSE”- What should Ido?
Hello NURNOBI, you don’t have to do anything. Scholarship amount will be soon credited to your bank account.
I applied for Aikyashree scholarship 2020..I also received a verification massage on 14.12.2020.i check my account but amount has not been credited yet..
Hello Prem, login to the Aikyashree scholarship portal using your application id and password. There you can check your scholarship application status.
I am md Sarip sk
My application has verified by state for 2 month. But the payment status
When I received my amount
Please sir reply me
Sir ..ami akhn BA 2nd year a porci. Er age ami 12000 peyecilm.But ei bar renual koror somy onk vol hoye jai. Tai ota withdraw kore feli. So akhn ami ota fresh koreci. Ami ki oi taka ta pabo ? .sir akto bolben please .kintu fresh koror somy results chaini . Ami ki taka ta pabo sir .
I am MD SARFARAJ and I study in class 11. I have applied for the WBMCM and all things are approved bou the “BANK ACCOUNT VARYFICATION” is showing “Aweaiting for response ” from two month .So what should IU do ?
Hello Sarfaraj, what bank you use? Check whether there is any IFSC code change on your bank. If yes, then update it on the Aikyashree scholarship portal.
Sir Ami 1st sem er result diye aikashree apply Korechi.. amr marks chilo 42% Ami schoolership a koto amount pabo r schoolership pauya jabe kon month a?
Hlw sir..Ami aikhashree from fill up krechi 20-21 a Ami ki nabbana schly a apply krte parbo AMR 60.5%
R aikhashree amount kto diner mddhe pawa jbe amr district level obdi verify hye gache
I have passed BEd this year. Can I apply for MDFC or other scholarships ?
Hello Khalid, what is your current course? I am after B.Ed what course you are pursuing? If you are not doing any course, then you cannot apply for this scholarship scheme.
I belong to schedule caste (sc) and l am pursuing CA.
Am I eligible for wbmdfc merit cum mean scholarship?
Hello Sumit, WBMDFC MCM scholarship / Aikyashree scholarship only for the Minority (Muslim, Sikh, Jain, Christian etc) community students.
Sir I didn’t received my previous year scholarship yet I fill up the form.. for this year what should I do fresh or renewal….
Hello Lubna, login to your Aikyashree Scholarship portal and check your previous year application status. After that, you can apply for renewal.
Sir Ami final year pass out holam.ekhn ooo kono University The vorti hotei parini ..Ami ki tobe parbona renew korte abr..
Hello Tajbul, at first take admission on PG course in any university, after that you can apply as a fresh applicant for Aikyashree scholarship scheme.
Sir but last date on 15 December …Jodi er modh University te vorti hotel na pari thle ki Ami apply korte parbona..
I admitted in diploma in polytechnic.
In Vivekananda scholarship (for minority), my college name (Ramkrishna Mission shilpapitha) is not appearing in aikyashri site.
How I will apply?
Hello Akif, try to find RKM SHILPAPITHA institution under Nort 24 Pargona district on the Aikyashree scholarship portal. If, you do not get it, the contact to the Aikyashree scholarship helpdesk phone number.
Hello sir…
I am Nargis Khan….. Sir aikyashree r date Ki Aro expand hbe?
Karon sir 1st yr r Akono result beroini r renew korle to result chaiche…
Hello Nargis, the last date of online application for Aikyashree Scholarship is 15th December 2020.
Sir Thle Amder to result out hoini Akono…. Amra kikore korbo renew?
Pls ektu Bole din
Hello Nargis, contact to the Aikyashree Scholarship Helpline number or contact with your institution. They will give you the right solution for your this.
Many institutions, said their students apply for renewal with their last exam marksheet.
Sir last yr exam marksheet Mane Amr Hs r marksheet dite hbe…. Kintu Oi marksheet diye to 1st yr e apply korechi….. Akon To r kora jbe na… Ki korbo Sir Pls Bolun…
Hello Nargis, contact with your institution or call to the Aikyashree helpline phone number. They will provide a solution for this. Follow their instructions to fill your Aikyashree Scholarship Application Form.
Hello sir I am Jahirul Gain, I have got my 1st semester result but I did not get the second semester result.Our result is not published….So what should I do sir for the renew?
Hello Jahirul, wait for the 2nd semester result and after that apply for Aikyashree Scholarship renewal application.
Hello sir
Ami Fardin Khan
Sir Ami madhyamik e 84% no. Peyechi…… Ami ki nabanna r Svmcm duto tei apply korte Parbo?
Pls Sir bolun
Hello Fardin, you can apply only for SVMCM Scholarship scheme.
Dear sir,
I’ve just simple query about aikyashree scholarship. I’m studying Polytechnic and I got past instalment. So this time I’m gonna renew my application but which marksheet I’ve to provide semester marksheet or not but which semester ? I’d sat semester 3 and 4 examination . I got semester 3 result back and semester 4 is clear . Plz sir help me out.
Hello Munna, you have to upload both the marksheet at the time of online application. But as per Aikyashree scholarship guidelines, All Semester Examinations need to be cleared in the first attempt.
Sir you are not understanding me. I asked how can I get the sign of the college principal on the institute verification form. if i will not give the form to the documents area. then how can i apply for svmcm
Hello MEHTAB, contact to your college regarding this. They may digitally sign your verification form and send you via email. Or you may wait till November when the college will open.
Hlw sir…… Ami Roshni Khan…. Sir Ami 1st yr e apply korechilam….. To akon Ami renew korte giye dekhchi J 2nd yr r marks lagbe….. Kintu pandemic situation r jonno exam hoini….. Tai marks kikore upload korbo sir?
Pls help me sir…
Hello Roshni, contact with your college regarding the Aikyashree scholarship marks entry. College will provide the best solution for this, because the online verification will be done by them.
But sir, Renew korle to 1st yr r marks chaiche r Exam to hoini Akono. Tai college bollo apnader kache jante. Ki korbo Sir?
Call to the official Aikyashree helpline phone number – 18001202130 for more details.
But sir, ami graduation (2ñ year)ei bochor renewal korbo,,,
Arekb jon class eleven(xi) amar mobile number diye ei bochor fresh application koreche,,
Result publish holey renewal korbo se khetre amar kono problem hobe na sir?
যেহেতু তুমি রিনিয়্যাল আবেদন করবে, সেক্ষেত্রে তোমার মোবাইল নাম্বার আগে থেকেই রেজিস্ট্রার করা আছে – গত বছর দিয়েছিলে। তোমার মোবাইল নাম্বার পরিবর্তন করার কোন প্রয়োজন নেই।
Hello MEHTAB, contact with your current institution, if they want scholarship application hard copy, then submit it to the college. Sometimes, college may not ask for the documents hardcopies.
Sir ami tarikul islam, ami jei number diye svmcm scholarship petam, sey number e arekjon post matric(xii) scholarship korniyeche ei bochor (2020), tahole ki amar svmcm scholarship renewal korte problems hobe? please bolun sir?
Hello Tarikul, yes you can apply for renewal for SVMCM Scholarship. There will be no issue for the mobile number.
একটি আবেদনের জন্য শুধুমাত্র একটি মোবাইল নাম্বারের মাধ্যমে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করতে হবে। তবে Pre-matric স্কলারশিপের ক্ষেত্রে একটি মোবাইল নাম্বারের মাধ্যমে সর্বোচ্চ দুটি আবেদন করা যাবে।sir eta kano bola ache please sir
Hello Tarikul, if any person has two children and they both and studying in class 1 to 9, then they are falling under pre-matric section. In that case, that guardian use his/her same phone number for both the Pre-matric scholarship applications.
Sir ,My name is.Asif iqbal student of class v.i applied .new Registration year 2020 on 7th August 2020 (SSP 2020011800xxxx5) when I get my scholarship amount information.i want to know that.
Hello Asif, the scholarship amount may distribute from December or later. You can check your scholarship application status by logging to the Aikyashree Scholarship portal.
Hello sir Ami Nargis khatoon…..
Sir BSc CCT course niye Ami porchi…. Thle Amr scholarship amount ta Koto pabo?
I neither able to renew my application nor as a new applicant, plz help me sir
I am a student of madhyamgram b ed college bt in the registration of this scholarship there is no option comes in pesent couse so that cant take to force submit…what can i do now.
Hello Runa, contact once with the Aikyashree Scholarship helpline phone number 1800-120-2130 regarding this issue.
I passed madhyamik in 2016 and hs passed 2018 with 83%now i am got the last result basis of 2nd sem… And i am general candidate, can i apply?? Pls give attention and reply.
Hello Subhadeep, you can register on the Aikyashree Scholarship portal.
SIR amar institute details te distric ta change ho66e na. amar bari jhargram distric te kintu ami midnapor B.M.L.T collage te pori. jhargram ta change ho66e na.
You had to select your Institution distict at the first time of starting the application form. Call to the Aikyashree Scholarship helpline phone number (1800-1202130) and request them to change it
Sir, which scholarship is best for me. I just passed Madyamik exam in 2020, with 78% marks .
sir, Bikash vaban scholarship r WBMDFC SVMCM scholarship duto ki aki? amar nam Amir Hossain Mondal . Ami Muslim. Ami madhyamik 2020 te 87% peyechi.
ami ki duto scholarship apply korte parbo?
Hello Amir, yes both the scholarships are same but management authorities are different. You can apply for WBMDFC SVMCM Scholarship from Aikyashree Portal. You cannot apply for Bikash Bhavan Scholarship.
Aikyashree Scholarship New Registration Kobe Chalu hobe 2020-2021 Year Date Bolbe
New Registration for Aikyashree Scholarship will start from mid-week of July 2020.
Sir I also applied for post matric scholarship last year but did not get the money… till now also
Hel Zeba, login to the Aikyashree Scholarship Portal and check your Scholarship Application status online.
Payment kabe dewa huby 10 manth huchey akhonu payment dewa huyni kanoh
Sir Amar status state level verify hoiageche kintu sir akhono taka dhukche na sir r ki taka pabo na
Hello Ajad, it will take some time. Currently low number of staffs are working on the Goverment offices. This may cause some dealy to get the scholarship amount.
Sir Amar status (will be updated shortly) ai rokom dakha66e Tahole ki sir Ami taka pabo na sir Amar id no (ssp20190506009xxxxx8) ata sir aktu dekhe bolun sir please AMake r ki ki korte Hobe sir please
Hello Abul, if you filled the online application form currently, then you will definitely get the scholarship amount. Wait a few days, the status will be updated.
But sir (8017071714)ai WhatsApp number Amar problem ta dakhachi to bolche(institute ke re verify korte bolo) Tahole sir akhon ki korbo please sir aktu help korun
Hello Abul, contact with your Instituion and request them to approve your Aikyashree Scholarship application form.
When the scholarship amt will be credited in my account
Hello Rashmilodha, generally it will take 3 to 4 months to get the Aikyashree Scholarship amount. You can check your scholarship application status, by login into the Aikyashree Scholarship portal.
Sir when we get amount of aikyshree schlorship of 2019
Sir ami BHMS porchi ekhn 2nd year… But 1st yr e ami nsp kre taka paini.. 2nd yr eo krlm kno mote verification hocche na.. Aikyashree ta krte hbe ble jantam na… Ekhn date o nei… Etar date ki extends hbe??? Sir plzz help korun…. plzz sir aikyashree r date ta jodi extend kre tahle khub khub vlo hobe
Hello Tanvi, as you are currently in 2nd year you cannot apply Aikyashree Scholarship Fresh Application.
Ami 2nd year chemical engineering porchi..ami koto amount pabo
When we get the aikyashree schlorship amount
Hello Sania, Aikyashree Scholarship amount will be start distribution from December.
Sir when we get the aikyashree schlorship amount for post matrix
Hello Neha, login to the Aikyashree Scholarship portal using your Login id & Password. You can check your scholarship application status from there.
Sir,I am a student of class Msc part (II) how many cost give us of aikyashree post matric scholarship
Hello Noor, the Aikyashree Scholarship amount for M.Sc students is Rs. 6600 (for Day scholar) or Rs. 9600 (for Hosteler).
Document size & format ki hobe svmcm scholarship e.
Ami SVMCM scholarship apply korte chai, but ami religion “Muslim” select korle “AIKYASHREE” Portal a pathie diche, r sekhane ami kono documents upload option o pachina.
PLEASE amay bole din ami SVMCM scholarship kivabe apply korbo?
Hello REHANA, Muslim students can apply for SVMCM scholarship from Aikyashree Scholarship portal only. If you have any issue related to Aikyashree Scholarship, contact to the Helpline phone number.
Ha sir jokhon registration korechilam tokhon akbar I’d no. Ta show korechilo tarpor login korar somoy sekhane ar dekhachhe na. tarpor I’d no. Return dekhar jonno jokhon back a gelam tarpor back ar hochhe na. Puro total back hoyegeche. Tai amar login ta o kora hoyni please sir aktu bolun login korar jonno kibhabe I’d n.o.ta pabo
Hello Sahid, click on this link and then select your Institution district, fill some basic details, you will get your Aikyashree Scholarship User ID. The link is
Can I apply aikyasree and swamivivekanada scholarship both of these.
No, you cannot apply for both the Scholarships. Aikyashree Scholarship only for Minority Students.
Dear sir,
Please tell me , Which documents are required with the Online Application Form , when I submit it to my Institution’s Office ?
For Aikyashree scholarship…
Just attach the Xerox copy of your Bank Passbook front page. List of required documents will mention on the printed application form also.
Application for aikyashree was out in the notification. I am doing btech in electrical engineering. I got admitted in 2nd year as lateral entry. I filled up the form in 2019 and received money. Can I fill up in 2020 ? And in which field should I apply post matric or merit cum?
Thank you.
Hello Sital, you have to apply for Renewal. So, just log in with your existing User ID and Password on the website and then apply for renewal.
Thank you so much sir.
After renewal I have to fill it up in the same merit cum which I had filled up in 2019 or post matric sir?
Hello Sital, just login to the website, you can see the scholarship name. You have to renew the scholarship, you applied last year (Merit cum Means)
Sir I forgot my old one. Can I skip it and directly apply on renewal?
Hello Sital, retrieve your Aikyashree Scholarship application id and password by clicking on the ‘Forget User ID & Password’ option. Then provide your Date of Birth, Bank account number and Mobile number to get the details.
Sir ami ki kore bujhbo je amr application form college theke approved koreche?
College bolche kore dieche kintu amar kache kono msg ba email aseni ,thahole ebar ami korbo sir
Hello MEHEBUB, tumi Aikyashree Scholarship portal e login kore tomar Scholarship application status check korte parbe.
Dear sir ami to aikyashree from fill-up korar somoy amar kono email ID deini thahole kibhabe pabo registration I’d no. Ta
Registration id number, tumi jokhn registration korchile, tokhon show kora hoyechilo.
sir, I m a paramedical student.Can I apply this scholarship ?If I can where i submit this form?
Yes, Paramedical students can apply for Aikyashree Scholarship.
Renewal er last date kobe..Calcutta university te akhono result bar hoyni..Ki korbo? Please help1
Hello Mehebub, the exact last date SVMCM Renewal through Aikyashree Scholarship Portal not mentioned yet. But you can expect renewal will continue upto May 2020.
Class VII e pari 89 percent result
Kata amount scholarships pabo
You will get Aikyashree Pre Matric Scholarship and the amount of this scholarship is Rs. 5500 per year.
Sir I was a student of CBSE board and currently studying at University of Calcutta, 2nd year
Can I fill the form??
Sir,ami madhyamik exam die6i 2019 e & my number is 66% can i apply the from.
Current board West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education er jaygay bhule west bengal board of secondary education haye gechhe ki kare thik karbo
Helpline e contact kore, vul ta correction kore now.
Sir , Pre-Matric scholarship a Coochbehar any primary school er board ki habe?
Yes, hobe.
Sarba Shikha Mission diyechhi kono problem hbe
Sir, I am an undergraduate candidate, currently studying in BA 2nd year.
So, in the previous passing exam section in form should I fill it with 1st year’s result or 12th class result?
Enter your B.A. 1st Year marks.
Bolchilam sir ami to registration I’d no. Ta paini. Apni bollen sms korte kibhabe sms ta korle ami amar I’d no. Ta pabo sir aktu bolun
Check your registed email. The Application ID number also sent to your email also.
Sir, open university theke jara graduation porche tara ki aikyashree form fill up korte parbe?
Yes, open university students can also apply for Aikyashree Scholarship.
Dear sir ami aikyashree form fill-up korar somoy ami registration a kono email ID.
Deini tahole sir ami amar I’d no. Ta kibhabe pabo please sir aktu bolun
You can get your Registration id through SMS also.
Sir i am undergraduate student currently studying in 4th year BA LLB, can I fill the form and in that ground can I submit my 3rd year marksheet
Hello Nima, you cannot apply for Aikyshree Scholarship. Only, first-year students’ are eligible.
Is this compulsory to submit this form printout in current Institute while filling the form online
Dear sir,
I awnt to know last date of Aikhyashree form fiullup.
Thankyou sir
The Last date to apply for Aikyashree Scholarship 2019 is 15th September 2019.
Sir Ami ITI Student aikyashree te registration submit and proceed kor6i to rad colour dekha6e You are not eligible for any scholarship.?? Problem ki sir.
Contact to the Helpline phone number to solve your query.
ITI new Admission niye6i.akhon ki Scholarship apply Korte parbo
Sir Ami online a application kora d6i…… a ki ki joma dita hoba
Application Print out ta and other documents school e submit korte hobe.
Sir Ami university institute of technology Burdwan thke civil porcci Ami ki apply krte pari
This scholarship only for Minority students.
Sir Amar aikyashree from ta online a filap hoye geche registration ta o hoye geche but Ami I’d no. Ta paini log in korar no. Ta Akbar registration a dekhiye ar dekhache na please sir aktu bolun ki korbo
Registration er somoy je email ta diyechile, seta check koro, all details sekhane send kora hoyeche.
Amar present institute er name bhul hoe geche. Ekhon kichu Kora jabe na .
Problem hobe na.
Sir ami jharkhand-a addmetion niachi ami ki Aikyashree-te apply korte parbo ki?
Na, ei Aikyashree Scholarship sudhu matro West Bengal er students der jonno.
Is a person receiving scholarship from NSP eligible for Akiyashree scheme ??
Yes, you can apply for Aikyashree Scholarship scheme after applying on NSP.
Hello sir, I have got 75 percent marks in the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education exam in the year of 2019.can I apply for the Aikyashree scholarship??
yes you can apply.
Please choose SVMCM scheme
Kotha theke aikyashree from ta tulbo?
Aikyashree Scholarship er form ta Online e fillup korte hobe.
sir aikyashree ka registation side mai surver down kiu hai?
sir a kab thik hoga?
Check once. The website is opening perfectly.
sir aikyashree ka registation side mai surver down kiu hai?
sir a kab thik hoga?
aikyashree te registration prossess bangali te deben please